David S. Evans

David S. Evans

Market Platform Dynamics and Berkeley Research Group
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Citado por 35226
Christine Ennew

Christine Ennew

Professor of Marketing, University of Warwick
Email confirmado em warwick.ac.uk
Citado por 16123
Emmanuel Mogaji

Emmanuel Mogaji

Associate Professor in Marketing, Keele University
Email confirmado em keele.ac.uk
Citado por 14281
andreas athanassopoulos

andreas athanassopoulos

visiting professor Nottingham Business school
Citado por 8046
Aad van Moorsel

Aad van Moorsel

Professor of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK
Email confirmado em bham.ac.uk
Citado por 7741
Elisabeth Brüggen

Elisabeth Brüggen

Maastricht University
Email confirmado em maastrichtuniversity.nl
Citado por 5339
Shubhangi Singh

Shubhangi Singh

Amity University
Email confirmado em amity.edu
Citado por 4951
Robert Hudson

Robert Hudson

Professor of Finance, University of Hull
Email confirmado em hull.ac.uk
Citado por 4261
Carsten Ullrich

Carsten Ullrich

macros consult
Email confirmado em carstenullrich.net
Citado por 3967
Matthias Klaes

Matthias Klaes

University of Buckingham
Email confirmado em buckingham.ac.uk
Citado por 3519
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