Dana Ferris
Professor, University Writing Program, UC Davis
Email confirmado em ucdavis.edu
Citado por 28204
David Carless
Professor of Educational Assessment, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
Email confirmado em hku.hk
Citado por 22435
Levy, Paul E.
Vice President and Chief of Staff, The University of Akron
Email confirmado em uakron.edu
Citado por 17122
Frederik Anseel
Dean and Professor UNSW Business School, UNSW
Email confirmado em unsw.edu.au
Citado por 14248
P.Robert-Jan Simons
emeritus hoogleraar digitale didactiek, universiteit Utrecht
Email confirmado em uu.nl
Citado por 11612
Elizabeth Molloy
Professor of Work Integrated Learning, Department of Medical Education, University of …
Email confirmado em unimelb.edu.au
Citado por 11563
Phillip Dawson
Professor and Co-Director, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning
Email confirmado em deakin.edu.au
Citado por 11157