Joerg Libuda
Interface Research and Catalysis (Full Professor), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen …
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Citado por 16517
Menny Shalom
Department of Chemistry, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Professor
Email confirmado em bgu.ac.il
Citado por 13500

Dr. Muhammad Farooq Warsi
Institute of Chemistry, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Email confirmado em iub.edu.pk
Citado por 12993
Ying Rui Lu
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
Email confirmado em nsrrc.org.tw
Citado por 10649

Yaobin Xu (许耀斌)
CSU; IMR CAS; Northwestern University; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Email confirmado em pnnl.gov
Citado por 8048

Thomas Gennett
Principle Scientist, NREL, Professor Chemistry Dept. Colorado School of Mines
Email confirmado em nrel.gov
Citado por 6856