Barbara Ann Kitchenham
Professor of Quantitative Software Engineering, Keele University
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Citado por 67838
Ahmed E. Hassan
Mustafa Prize Laureate, ACM/IEEE/NSERC Steacie Fellow, ACM Influential/IEEE …
Email confirmado em cs.queensu.ca
Citado por 38891
Claes Wohlin
Professor Emeritus of Software Engineering, SERL-Sweden, Blekinge Institute of …
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Citado por 36612
Per Runeson
Professor of Software Engineering, Lund University, Sweden
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Citado por 30981
Thomas Zimmermann
Sr. Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, Redmond
Email confirmado em microsoft.com
Citado por 30058
Laurie Williams
North Carolina State University, Computer Science, Distinguished Univ Prof, IEEE Fellow …
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Citado por 25001
Prem Devanbu
Distinguished Research Professor (பேராசிரியர்), ACM Fellow
Email confirmado em ucdavis.edu
Citado por 22552
Arie van Deursen
Professor of Software Engineering, Delft University of Technology
Email confirmado em tudelft.nl
Citado por 21427