Sandra Orchard
Protein Function Content Team Leader, EMBL-EBI
Email confirmado em ebi.ac.uk
Citado por 59668
Lynn Schriml
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Institute for Genome …
Email confirmado em som.umaryland.edu
Citado por 32813
Norman Morrison
Research Fellow, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester
Email confirmado em manchester.ac.uk
Citado por 6421
Rachel Badovinac Ramoni
Executive Director, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Harvard Medical School
Email confirmado em hms.harvard.edu
Citado por 6076
Allyson L. Lister
University of Oxford, Oxford e-Research Centre
Email confirmado em oerc.ox.ac.uk
Citado por 4916