Zhen Chen
Harbin University of Science and Technology
Email confirmado em hrbust.edu.cn
Citado por 5978
Dimitra Vernardou
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Email confirmado em hmu.gr
Citado por 4445

Diana Gamzina
Staff Scientist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University
Email confirmado em slac.stanford.edu
Citado por 1922
Feng Li (Phung)
University of Science and Technology of China
Email confirmado em mail.ustc.edu.cn
Citado por 1523

Shubha Nageswaran
Nanyang Technological University, ERI@N, BMW-NTU Future Mobility lab
Email confirmado em ntu.edu.sg
Citado por 1132