Wei Chen

Wei Chen

Professor of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington
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Citado por 33942
Si-Shen FENG (冯思慎)

Si-Shen FENG (冯思慎)

Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore
Email confirmado em nus.edu.sg
Citado por 25612
Wei Chen

Wei Chen

Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University
Email confirmado em xjtlu.edu.cn
Citado por 19598
Chitta Ranjan Patra, Ph.D.

Chitta Ranjan Patra, Ph.D.

Senior Principal Scientist (CSIR-IICT) & Professor of Biological Sciences (AcSIR)
Email confirmado em iict.res.in
Citado por 11027
Marilena Loizidou

Marilena Loizidou

University College London
Email confirmado em ucl.ac.uk
Citado por 9586
Ravi Singh

Ravi Singh

Associate Professor, Wake Forest School of Medicine
Email confirmado em wakehealth.edu
Citado por 9062
Jie Song

Jie Song

Emory University
Email confirmado em emory.edu
Citado por 8546
Rajiv Kumar, PhD

Rajiv Kumar, PhD

West Pharmaceutical Services
Email confirmado em milliporesigma.com
Citado por 8180
Adnan A. Bekhit

Adnan A. Bekhit

Professor of Pharmacy, University of Bahrain
Email confirmado em uob.edu.bh
Citado por 8021
Nanasaheb Thorat, PhD, FRSM.

Nanasaheb Thorat, PhD, FRSM.

Associate Professor Medicinal Physics University of Limerick;Fellow of the Royal Society of …
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Citado por 5836
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