Henry Prakken
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University
Email confirmado em cs.uu.nl
Citado por 16734
Trevor JM Bench-Capon
University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science
Email confirmado em csc.liv.ac.uk
Citado por 16494
Kevin Ashley
Professor of Law and Intelligent Systems, University of Pittsburgh
Email confirmado em pitt.edu
Citado por 9142
Bart Verheij
Bernoulli Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and AI, University of Groningen
Email confirmado em rug.nl
Citado por 7662
pompeu casanovas
Professor on AI, Law and Ethics at AI Research Institute of the Spanish National Research …
Email confirmado em iiia.csic.es
Citado por 6746
Harry Surden
Professor Of Law, University of Colorado Law School
Email confirmado em colorado.edu
Citado por 2554
Michał Araszkiewicz
Assistant Professor in Legal Theory, Jagiellonian University
Email confirmado em uj.edu.pl
Citado por 941
Kushagra Sharma
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be University) New Law College, Pune
Email confirmado em bvp.edu.in
Citado por 900