Yosef Garfinkel
Prof. of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Email confirmado em mail.huji.ac.il
Citado por 7465

B Halpern
Professor of Religion and Linguistics, University of Georgia
Email confirmado em uga.com
Citado por 4651
Jason Ur
Stephen Phillips Professor of Archaeology and Ethnology, Department of Anthropology …
Email confirmado em fas.harvard.edu
Citado por 4461
Graham Philip
Department of Archaeology, Durham University, Durham UK
Email confirmado em durham.ac.uk
Citado por 3705

Joy McCorriston
Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University
Email confirmado em osu.edu
Citado por 2473
Achim Lichtenberger
Professor of Classical Archaeology, University of Münster
Email confirmado em uni-muenster.de
Citado por 2304
Alessio Palmisano
Senior Assistant Professor,University of Turin, Department of Historical Studies
Email confirmado em unito.it
Citado por 2263
Emanuel Pfoh
National Research Council (CONICET) / University of Helsinki
Email confirmado em conicet.gov.ar
Citado por 1350