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David A BoasBoston UniversityE-mail confirmado em bu.edu
Stefan A. CarpAssociate Professor of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical SchoolE-mail confirmado em nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Paul MeaneyThayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth CollegeE-mail confirmado em dartmouth.edu
Keith D PaulsenThayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth CollegeE-mail confirmado em kite.dartmouth.edu
Intes XavierProf - Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteE-mail confirmado em rpi.edu
Dana BrooksResearch Professor / Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NortheasternE-mail confirmado em ece.neu.edu
Eric MillerTufts UniversityE-mail confirmado em tufts.edu
Greg BovermanSenior Research Scientist, Phlips ResearchE-mail confirmado em philips.com
David R. KaeliDistinguished Professor of ECE, Northeastern UniversityE-mail confirmado em ece.neu.edu
Sava SakadzicMassachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical SchoolE-mail confirmado em mgh.harvard.edu
Leiming YuQualcommE-mail confirmado em qti.qualcomm.com
Meryem Ayşe YücelResearch Associate Professor, Neurophotonics Center, Boston University, Biomedical EngineeringE-mail confirmado em BU.EDU
Anna DevorProfessor of Biomedical Engineering, Boston UniversityE-mail confirmado em bu.edu
Anders M. DaleProfessor of Neurosciences, Radiology, Psychiatry, Cognitive Science, and Data Science, UCSDE-mail confirmado em ucsd.edu
Andreas HornHarvard Medical SchoolE-mail confirmado em bwh.harvard.edu
Ruoyang YaoMeta (Facebook)E-mail confirmado em fb.com
Frederic LesageProf. Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, Ecole PolytechniqueE-mail confirmado em polymtl.ca
Louis GagnonDepartment of Radiology & CERVO Brain Research Center, Laval UniversityE-mail confirmado em mit.edu
Amir Yousef SajjadiInstructor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School/Lead Engineer., Mass General HospitalE-mail confirmado em mgh.harvard.edu
Bernhard B. ZimmermannPostdoctoral Fellow, Boston UniversityE-mail confirmado em bu.edu
Qianqian Fang
Department of Bioengineering, Northeastern University
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