Eduardo Luis Cupertino Ballester
Eduardo Luis Cupertino Ballester
Professor de Carcinicultura - Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
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Biofloc technology application as a food source in a limited water exchange nursery system for pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (Latreille, 1817)
M Emerenciano, ELC Ballester, RO Cavalli, W Wasielesky
Aquaculture research 43 (3), 447-457, 2012
Effect of practical diets with different protein levels on the performance of Farfantepenaeus paulensis juveniles nursed in a zero exchange suspended microbial …
ELC Ballester, PC Abreu, RO Cavalli, M Emerenciano, L De Abreu, ...
Aquaculture Nutrition 16 (2), 163-172, 2010
Effect of biofloc technology (BFT) on the early postlarval stage of pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis: growth performance, floc composition and salinity stress …
M Emerenciano, ELC Ballester, RO Cavalli, W Wasielesky
Aquaculture International 19, 891-901, 2011
Nursery of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis in cages with artificial substrates: biofilm composition and shrimp performance
ELC Ballester, W Wasielesky Jr, RO Cavalli, PC Abreu
Aquaculture 269 (1-4), 355-362, 2007
Importance of biofilm as food source for shrimp (Farfantepenaeus paulensis) evaluated by stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N)
PC Abreu, ELC Ballester, C Odebrecht, W Wasielesky Jr, RO Cavalli, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 347 (1-2), 88-96, 2007
The use of probiotics during the nursery rearing of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (Latreille, 1817) in a zero exchange system
DM de Souza, SM Suita, FPL Leite, LA Romano, W Wasielesky, ...
Aquaculture Research 43 (12), 1828-1837, 2012
Contribution of microorganisms to the biofilm nutritional quality: protein and lipid contents
C Fernandes Da Silva, E Ballester, J Monserrat, L Geracitano, ...
Aquaculture Nutrition 14 (6), 507-514, 2008
Methods for trophic ecology assessment in fishes: a critical review of stomach analyses
EL da Silveira, N Semmar, JE Cartes, VM Tuset, A Lombarte, ...
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 28 (1), 71-106, 2020
Crescimento e sobrevivência do camarão-rosa (Farfantepenaeus paulensis) na fase de berçário em meio heterotrófico
MGC Emerenciano, WFB Wasielesky Junior, RB Soares, ELC Ballester, ...
Use of molasses as a carbon source during the nursery rearing of Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (Latreille, 1817) in a Biofloc technology system
DM de Souza, SM Suita, LA Romano, W Wasielesky Jr, ELC Ballester
Aquaculture Research 45 (2), 270-277, 2014
Histological alterations in gills of Macrobrachium amazonicum juveniles exposed to ammonia and nitrite
FM Dutra, M Rönnau, D Sponchiado, SC Forneck, CA Freire, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 187, 115-123, 2017
Biofilm feeding by postlarvae of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (Decapoda, Penaidae)
VE Viau, DM de Souza, EM Rodríguez, W Wasielesky Jr, PC Abreu, ...
Aquaculture Research 44 (5), 783-794, 2013
Acute toxicity of ammonia to various life stages of the Amazon river prawn, Macrobrachium amazonicum, Heller, 1862
FM Dutra, SC Forneck, CC Brazão, CA Freire, ELC Ballester
Aquaculture 453, 104-109, 2016
Effect of diatom supplementation during the nursery rearing of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) in a heterotrophic culture system
LC Godoy, C Odebrecht, E Ballester, TG Martins, W Wasielesky
Aquaculture international 20, 559-569, 2012
Feasibility of pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei culture in southern Brazil: effects of stocking density and a single or a double CROP management strategy …
D Krummenauer, RO Cavalli, ELC Ballester, W Wasielesky Jr
Aquaculture Research 41 (2), 240-248, 2010
Productive performance of juvenile freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii in biofloc system
ELC Ballester, SA Marzarotto, C Silva de Castro, A Frozza, I Pastore, ...
Aquaculture Research 48 (9), 4748-4755, 2017
Influência do biofilme no crescimento do camarão-rosa Farfantepenaeus paulensis em sistemas de berçário
ELC Ballester, WFBW Junior, RO Cavalli, MHS Santos, PCOV de Abreu
Atlântica (Rio Grande) 25 (2), 117-122, 2003
Contribution of biofilm to water quality, survival and growth of juveniles of the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda, Parastacidae)
VE Viau, JM Ostera, A Tolivia, ELC Ballester, PC Abreu, EM Rodríguez
Aquaculture 324, 70-78, 2012
Dextrose as carbon source in the culture of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) in a zero exchange system
SM Suita, ELC Ballester, PC Abreu, W Wasielesky Jr
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 43 (3), 526-533, 2015
Growth, nutritional efficiency, and profitability of juvenile GIFT strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in biofloc system on graded feeding rates
LK Oliveira, L Pilz, PS Furtado, ELC Ballester, AJ de Almeida Bicudo
Aquaculture 541, 736830, 2021
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