Pablo N. Mendes
Pablo N. Mendes
Objective, Inc.
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DBpedia–a large-scale, multilingual knowledge base extracted from Wikipedia
J Lehmann, R Isele, M Jakob, A Jentzsch, D Kontokostas, PN Mendes, ...
Semantic Web 6 (2), 167-195, 2015
DBpedia Spotlight: Shedding Light on the Web of Documents
P Mendes, M Jakob, A García-Silva, C Bizer
I-Semantics, 2011
Improving efficiency and accuracy in multilingual entity extraction
J Daiber, M Jakob, C Hokamp, PN Mendes
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 121-124, 2013
Sieve: linked data quality assessment and fusion
PN Mendes, H Mühleisen, C Bizer
Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 116-123, 2012
DBpedia: A Multilingual Cross-domain Knowledge Base.
PN Mendes, M Jakob, C Bizer
LREC, 1813-1817, 2012
Managing the life-cycle of linked data with the LOD2 stack
S Auer, L Bühmann, C Dirschl, O Erling, M Hausenblas, R Isele, ...
International semantic Web conference, 1-16, 2012
LDIF-A Framework for Large-Scale Linked Data Integration
A Schultz, A Matteini, R Isele, PN Mendes, C Bizer, C Becker
21st International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2012), Developers Track …, 2012
Evaluating dbpedia spotlight for the tac-kbp entity linking task
PN Mendes, J Daiber, M Jakob, C Bizer
Proceedings of the TACKBP 2011 Workshop 116, 118-120, 2011
sparqlPuSH: Proactive notification of data updates in RDF stores using PubSubHubbub
A Passant, PN Mendes
Scripting for the Semantic Web Workshop (SFSW2010) at ESWC2010, 2010
Evaluating entity linking: An analysis of current benchmark datasets and a roadmap for doing a better job
M Van Erp, P Mendes, H Paulheim, F Ilievski, J Plu, G Rizzo, J Waitelonis
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Recognizing Mentions of Adverse Drug Reaction in Social Media Using Knowledge-Infused Recurrent Models
G Stanovsky, D Gruhl, PN Mendes
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 0
Linked open social signals
PN Mendes, A Passant, P Kapanipathi, AP Sheth
2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2010
Twarql: tapping into the wisdom of the crowd
PN Mendes, A Passant, P Kapanipathi
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 45, 2010
Twitris 2.0: Semantically empowered system for understanding perceptions from social data
AS Jadhav, H Purohit, P Kapanipathi, P Anantharam, AH Ranabahu, ...
Implicit entity linking in tweets
S Perera, PN Mendes, A Alex, AP Sheth, K Thirunarayan
European Semantic Web Conference, 118-132, 2016
Tcruzikb: Enabling complex queries for genomic data exploration
PN Mendes, B McKnight, AP Sheth, JC Kissinger
Semantic Computing, 2008 IEEE International Conference on, 432-439, 2008
GARSA: genomic analysis resources for sequence annotation
AMR Dávila, DM Lorenzini, PN Mendes, TS Satake, GR Sousa, ...
Bioinformatics 21 (23), 4302-4303, 2005
Document segmentation, interpretation, and re-organization
A Alba, AR Coden, C Drews, DF Gruhl, NR Lewis, PN Mendes, ...
US Patent App. 15/627,173, 2018
TcruziDB: an integrated, post-genomics community resource for Trypanosoma cruzi
F Agüero, W Zheng, DB Weatherly, P Mendes, JC Kissinger
Nucleic acids research 34 (suppl_1), D428-D431, 2006
Unsupervised discovery of compound entities for relationship extraction
C Ramakrishnan, PN Mendes, S Wang, AP Sheth
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management …, 2008
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