Nicolas I. Sifakis
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CORINE Land Cover Technical Guide
Heymann, Steenmans, Croisille, Bossard, Lenco, Wyatt, Weber, O'Brian, ...
CORINE Land Cover Technical Guide, 144, 1994
Quantitative mapping of air pollution density using Earth observations: a new processing method and application to an urban area
NI Sifakis, N Soulakellis, D Paronis
International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 (17), 3289-3300, 1998
Mapping of air pollution using SPOT satellite data
N Sifakis, PY Deschamps
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 58, 1433-1433, 1992
Ozone pollution and ozone biomonitoring in European cities Part II. Ozone-induced plant injury and its relationship with descriptors of ozone pollution
A Klumpp, W Ansel, G Klumpp, P Vergne, N Sifakis, MJ Sanz, ...
Atmospheric Environment 40 (38), 7437-7448, 2006
EuroBionet: a pan-European biomonitoring network for urban air quality assessment
A Klumpp, W Ansel, G Klumpp, N Belluzzo, V Calatayud, N Chaplin, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 9, 199-203, 2002
A Multidisciplinary Decision Support System for Forest Fire Crisis Management
Keramitsoglou, Kiranoudis, Sarimveis, Sifakis
Environmental Management 33 (2), 212-225, 2004
Wildfire Detection and Tracking over Greece Using MSG-SEVIRI Satellite Data
Sifakis, Iossifidis, Kontoes, Keramitsoglou
Remote Sensing 3 (3), 524-538, 2011
Satellite monitoring of the biomass-burning aerosols during the wildfires of August 2007 in Greece: Climate implications
DG Kaskaoutis, SK Kharol, N Sifakis, PT Nastos, AR Sharma, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (3), 716-726, 2011
Aerosol optical thickness retrieval from AVHRR images over the Athens urban area
A Retalis, N Sifakis, N Grosso, D Paronis, D Sarigiannis
IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2003
A rule-based semi-automatic method to map burned areas: exploring the USGS historical Landsat archives to reconstruct recent fire history
Koutsias, Pleniou, Mallinis, Niotia, Sifakis
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (20), 7049–7068, 2013
Improvement of satellite derived pollution maps with the use of a geostatistical interpolation method
PS Kanaroglou, NA Soulakellis, NI Sifakis
Journal of Geographical Systems 4 (2), 193-208, 2002
The performance of pixel window algorithms in the classification of habitats using VHSR imagery,
Keramitsoglou, Sarimveis, Kiranoudis, Kontoes, Sifakis, Fitoka
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 60 (4), 225-238, 2006
Reliable, accurate and timely forest mapping for wildfire management using ASTER and Hyperion satellite imagery.
Keramitsoglou, Kontoes, Sykioti, Sifakis, Xofis
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (10), 3556–3562, 2008
National scale operational mapping of burnt areas as a tool for the better understanding of contemporary wildfire patterns and regimes
C Kontoes, I Keramitsoglou, I Papoutsis, NI Sifakis, P Xofis
Sensors 13 (8), 11146-11166, 2013
ICAROS: An integrated computational environment for the assimilation of environmental data and models for urban and regional air quality
DA Sarigiannis, N Soulakellis, K Schäfer, M Tombrou, NI Sifakis, ...
Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 2, 641-654, 2002
Urban aerosol mapping over Athens using the differential textural analysis (DTA) algorithm on MERIS-ENVISAT data
Retalis, Sifakis
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 65 (1), 17-25, 2010
Information fusion for computational assessment of air quality and health effects
DA Sarigiannis, NA Soulakellis, NI Sifakis
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 70 (2), 235-245, 2004
Combining AVHRR imagery with CORINE Land Cover data to observe forest fires and to assess their consequences
N Sifakis, D Paronis, I Keramitsoglou
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 5 (4 …, 2004
Satellite Image Processing for Haze and Aerosol Mapping (SIPHA): Code description and presentation of results
NI Sifakis, NA Soulakellis
IGARSS 2000. IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2000
Kernel based re-classification of Earth observation data for fine scale habitat mapping
Keramitsoglou, Kontoes, Sifakis, Mitchley, Xofis
Journal for Nature Conservation 13 (2), 91-99, 2005
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