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Zbigniew JerzakBHTE-mail confirmado em bht-berlin.de
Christof FetzerTU DresdenE-mail confirmado em tu-dresden.de
Valerio PappalardoIndependentE-mail confirmado em warwick.ac.uk
Andreas MeisterFaculty of computer science, Otto-von-Guericke University MagdeburgE-mail confirmado em iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Pascal FelberProfessor of Computer Science, University of NeuchâtelE-mail confirmado em unine.ch
Robert KrahnTU DresdenE-mail confirmado em tu-dresden.de
Leonardo QuerzoniProfessor, Sapienza University of RomeE-mail confirmado em diag.uniroma1.it
Leonardo AnielloAssociate Professor, University of SouthamptonE-mail confirmado em soton.ac.uk
Shuhao ZhangProfessor, School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em hust.edu.cn
Bingsheng He, 何丙胜Professor, Department of Computer Science, National University of SingaporeE-mail confirmado em comp.nus.edu.sg
Daniel DahlmeierSAP SEE-mail confirmado em sap.com
Amelie Chi ZhouAssistant Professor, HKBU, Hong KongE-mail confirmado em comp.hkbu.edu.hk
Marcelo PasinHES-SO (Haute école Arc) + Université de NeuchâtelE-mail confirmado em he-arc.ch
Etienne RivièreProfessor, UCLouvainE-mail confirmado em uclouvain.be
Emanuel OnicaAssociate Professor, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, RomaniaE-mail confirmado em uaic.ro
Raphaël P. BarazzuttiUniversity of NeuchâtelE-mail confirmado em unine.ch
Elena VasilyevaGoogleE-mail confirmado em google.com
Maik ThieleHochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft DresdenE-mail confirmado em htw-dresden.de
Lenar YazdanovTU DresdenE-mail confirmado em se.inf.tu-dresden.de