Arpan Mehar, Ph.D
Arpan Mehar, Ph.D
Associate professor
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Speed and acceleration characteristics of different types of vehicles on multi-lane highways
A Mehar, S Chandra, S Velmurugan
European Transport 55 (1), 1-12, 2013
Highway capacity through vissim calibrated for mixed traffic conditions
A Mehar, S Chandra, S Velmurugan
KSCE journal of Civil Engineering 18 (2), 639-645, 2014
Passenger car units at different levels of service for capacity analysis of multilane interurban highways in India
A Mehar, S Chandra, S Velmurugan
Journal of transportation engineering 140 (1), 81-88, 2014
Effect of traffic composition on capacity of multilane highways
S Chandra, A Mehar, S Velmurugan
Ksce journal of civil engineering 20, 2033-2040, 2016
Analysis of side friction on urban arterials
P Gulivindala, A Mehar
Transport and telecommunication 19 (1), 21-30, 2018
Simulation of traffic flow to analyze lane changes on multi-lane highways under non-lane discipline
S Srikanth, A Mehar, KGNV Praveen
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering 48 (2), 109-116, 2020
Impact of traffic on carbon monoxide concentrations near urban road mid-blocks
RK Angatha, A Mehar
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A 101, 713-722, 2020
A modified approach for estimation of Passenger Car Units on intercity divided multilane highways
S Srikanth, A Mehar
Archives of transport 42 (2), 65-74, 2017
Calibration of vissim model for multilane highways using speed flow curves
S Srikanth, A Mehar, A Parihar
Stavební Obzor-Civil Engineering Journal 26 (3), 2017
Operating speed: review and recommendations for future research
KK Tottadi, A Mehar
Innovative infrastructure solutions 7, 1-13, 2022
Acceleration and deceleration rates of various vehicle categories at signalized intersections in mixed traffic conditions
S Ramireddy, V Ala, KVR Ravishankar, A Mehar
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering 49 (4), 324-332, 2021
Evaluating the performance of signalized intersection with signal countdown timer
J Jatoth, NK Singh, A Mehar
International journal of intelligent transportation systems research 19, 182-190, 2021
Development of MLR, ANN and ANFIS models for estimation of PCUs at different levels of service
S Srikanth, A Mehar
Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering 2 (1), 18-35, 2018
Examining the effect of curb-side bus stop on time headway at multilane divided urban roads under mixed traffic conditions
MA Pallela S S.
Transportation in developing economies 8 (27), 1-13, 2022
Occupancy time characteristics of right-turning traffic on minor approach at urban uncontrolled intersections.
RB Kota, A Mehar
Advances in transportation studies 58, 2022
Estimation of equivalency units for vehicle types under mixed traffic conditions: multiple non-linear regression approach
S Srikanth, A Mehar
International Journal of Technology 8 (5), 2017
Examining the lane-wise time headway and speed characteristics at curb-side bus stop on four-lane divided urban arterials
SS Pallela, A Mehar
Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series A 104 (2), 367-380, 2023
Influence of horizontal curve geometry on operating speeds on four-lane divided highways under heterogeneous traffic conditions
KK Tottadi, C Varma, A Mehar
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A 103 (4), 1135-1145, 2022
Modeling of carbon monoxide concentrations at urban signalized intersections using mulitple linear regression and artificial neural networks
RK Angatha, A Mehar
Suranaree J. Sci. Technol 29, 010087, 2022
Longitudinal acceleration and deceleration behavior of vehicles at the curbside bus stop under mixed traffic conditions
SS Pallela, A Mehar
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A 104 (3), 615-632, 2023
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