Raymond F. Bishop
Raymond F. Bishop
Department of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Manchester
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Quantum magnetism
U Schollwöck, J Richter, DJJ Farnell, RF Bishop
Springer, 2008
An overview of coupled cluster theory and its applications in physics
RF Bishop
Theoretica chimica acta 80, 95-148, 1991
Extended coupled-cluster method. I. Generalized coherent bosonization as a mapping of quantum theory into classical Hamiltonian mechanics
JS Arponen, RF Bishop, E Pajanne
Physical Review A 36 (6), 2519, 1987
The coupled-cluster method
RF Bishop, H Kümmel
Phys. Today 40 (3), 52, 1987
Electron correlations: I. Ground-state results in the high-density regime
RF Bishop, KH Lührmann
Physical Review B 17 (10), 3757, 1978
An efficient implementation of high-order coupled-cluster techniques applied to quantum magnets
C Zeng, DJJ Farnell, RF Bishop
Journal of statistical physics 90, 327-361, 1998
Electron correlations. II. Ground-state results at low and metallic densities
RF Bishop, KH Lührmann
Physical Review B 26 (10), 5523, 1982
Phase diagram of a frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice: The -- model
PHY Li, RF Bishop, DJJ Farnell, CE Campbell
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (14), 144404, 2012
Extended coupled-cluster method. II. Excited states and generalized random-phase approximation
JS Arponen, RF Bishop, E Pajanne
Physical Review A 36 (6), 2539, 1987
Phase transitions in the spin-half J 1− J 2 model
RF Bishop, DJJ Farnell, JB Parkinson
Physical Review B 58 (10), 6394, 1998
Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with arbitrary spin: A higher-order coupled cluster treatment
O Götze, DJJ Farnell, RF Bishop, PHY Li, J Richter
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (22), 224428, 2011
Quantum phase transitions of a square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with two kinds of nearest-neighbor bonds: A high-order coupled-cluster treatment
SE Krüger, J Richter, J Schulenburg, DJJ Farnell, RF Bishop
Physical Review B 61 (21), 14607, 2000
Coupled-cluster treatments of correlations in quantum antiferromagnets
RF Bishop, JB Parkinson, Y Xian
Physical Review B 44 (17), 9425, 1991
High-order coupled cluster method calculations for the ground-and excited-state properties of the spin-half XXZ model
RF Bishop, DJJ Farnell, SE Krüger, JB Parkinson, J Richter, C Zeng
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (30), 6887, 2000
Microscopic Quantum Many-Body Theories and Their Applications
RF Bishop
Lecture Notes in Physics 510, 1, 1998
A variational approach to nuclear matter with realistic potentials
JC Owen, RF Bishop, JM Irvine
Nuclear Physics A 277 (1), 45-68, 1977
The quantum J1–J1′–J2 spin-1 Heisenberg model: Influence of the interchain coupling on the ground-state magnetic ordering in 2D
RF Bishop, PHY Li, R Darradi, J Richter
Europhysics Letters 83 (4), 47004, 2008
Systematic Inclusion of High-Order Multispin Correlations for the Spin-½ Models
RF Bishop, RG Hale, Y Xian
Physical review letters 73 (23), 3157, 1994
Magnetic order in a spin-1 2 interpolating square-triangle Heisenberg antiferromagnet
RF Bishop, PHY Li, DJJ Farnell, CE Campbell
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (17), 174405, 2009
Quasiclassical magnetic order and its loss in a spin- Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice with competing bonds
PHY Li, RF Bishop, CE Campbell
Physical Review B 91 (1), 014426, 2015
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