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Com base nas autorizações de financiamento
Manuel CardonaMax Planck InstitutE-mail confirmado em fkf.mpg.de
Andrea BragasProfessor of Physics, Departamento de Física, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires. IFIBA - CONICETE-mail confirmado em df.uba.ar
Jared WahlstrandNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em nist.gov
Matthew DeCampAssociate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of DelawareE-mail confirmado em udel.edu
Hadis MorkoçVirginia Commonwealth UniversityE-mail confirmado em vcu.edu
Anthony GrbicUniversity of MichiganE-mail confirmado em umich.edu
Jacek K. FurdynaUniversity of Notre DameE-mail confirmado em nd.edu
Eric M DufresneAdvanced Photon Source, Argonne National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em aps.anl.gov
Andrea CavalleriMax Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter & University of OxfordE-mail confirmado em physics.ox.ac.uk
justin warkProfessor of Physics, University of OxfordE-mail confirmado em physics.ox.ac.uk
David G. CahillDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignE-mail confirmado em illinois.edu
Jiming BaoProfessor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and TcSUH, University of HoustonE-mail confirmado em uh.edu
Michael FörstMax Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of MatterE-mail confirmado em mpsd.mpg.de
David J. LockwoodNational Research Council CanadaE-mail confirmado em nrc.ca
A. K. SoodProfessor of Physics, Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , IndiaE-mail confirmado em physics.iisc.ernet.in
Roberto Merlin
Peter A. Franken Professor of Physics and Professor, Electrical Engineering and
E-mail confirmado em umich.edu