Hybrid and iteratively reweighted regularization by unbiased predictive risk and weighted GCV for projected systems RA Renaut, S Vatankhah, VE Ardestani
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (2), B221-B243, 2017
60 2017 3-D Projected L 1 inversion of gravity data using truncated unbiased predictive risk estimator for regularization parameter estimation S Vatankhah, RA Renaut, VE Ardestani
Geophysical Journal International 210 (3), 1872-1887, 2017
49 2017 Automatic estimation of the regularization parameter in 2D focusing gravity inversion: application of the method to the Safo manganese mine in the northwest of Iran S Vatankhah, VE Ardestani, RA Renaut
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 11 (4), 045001, 2014
49 2014 An Efficient Alternating Algorithm for the Lₚ -Norm Cross-Gradient Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data Using the 2-D Fast Fourier Transform S Vatankhah, S Liu, RA Renaut, X Hu, JD Hogue, M Gharloghi
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-16, 2020
41 2020 Application of the χ2 principle and unbiased predictive risk estimator for determining the regularization parameter in 3-D focusing gravity inversion S Vatankhah, VE Ardestani, RA Renaut
Geophysical Journal International 200 (1), 265-277, 2015
38 2015 A fast algorithm for regularized focused 3D inversion of gravity data using randomized singular-value decomposition S Vatankhah, R Anne Renaut, VE Ardestani
Geophysics 83 (4), G25-G34, 2018
36 2018 Total variation regularization of the 3-D gravity inverse problem using a randomized generalized singular value decomposition S Vatankhah, RA Renaut, VE Ardestani
Geophysical Journal International 213 (1), 695-705, 2018
32 2018 A tutorial and open source software for the efficient evaluation of gravity and magnetic kernels JD Hogue, RA Renaut, S Vatankhah
Computers & Geosciences 144, 104575, 2020
29 2020 Susceptibility and remanent magnetization inversion of magnetic data with a priori information of the Köenigsberger ratio S Liu, X Hu, B Zuo, H Zhang, M Geng, Y Ou, T Yang, S Vatankhah
Geophysical Journal International 221 (2), 1090-1109, 2020
22 2020 Regularization Parameter Estimation for Underdetermined problems by the principle with application to focusing gravity inversion S Vatankhah, RA Renaut, VE Ardestani
arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.3365, 2014
22 2014 A fast methodology for large-scale focusing inversion of gravity and magnetic data using the structured model matrix and the 2-D fast Fourier transform RA Renaut, JD Hogue, S Vatankhah, S Liu
Geophysical Journal International 223 (2), 1378-1397, 2020
21 2020 Large-scale focusing joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data with Gramian constraint S Vatankhah, RA Renaut, X Huang, K Mickus, M Gharloghi
Geophysical Journal International 230 (3), 1585-1611, 2022
20 2022 Research note: A unifying framework for the widely used stabilization of potential field inverse problems S Vatankhah, RA Renaut, S Liu
Geophysical Prospecting 68 (4), 1416-1421, 2020
17 2020 Improving the use of the randomized singular value decomposition for the inversion of gravity and magnetic data S Vatankhah, S Liu, RA Renaut, X Hu, J Baniamerian
Geophysics 85 (5), G93-G107, 2020
15 2020 IGUG: A MATLAB package for 3D inversion of gravity data using graph theory S Vatankhah, VE Ardestani, SS Niri, RA Renaut, H Kabirzadeh
Computers & Geosciences 128, 19-29, 2019
15 2019 Analysis of surface gravity and ground deformation responses of geological CO2 reservoirs to variations in CO2 mass and density and reservoir depth and size H Kabirzadeh, JW Kim, MG Sideris, S Vatankhah
Environmental Earth Sciences 79, 1-11, 2020
12 2020 The IDQ curve: A tool for evaluating the direction of remanent magnetization from magnetic anomalies S Liu, X Hu, D Zhang, B Wei, M Geng, B Zuo, H Zhang, S Vatankhah
Geophysics 85 (5), J85-J98, 2020
10 2020 Coupled inverse modelling of tight CO2 reservoirs using gravity and ground deformation data H Kabirzadeh, JW Kim, MG Sideris, S Vatankhah, YK Kwon
Geophysical Journal International 216 (1), 274-286, 2019
10 2019 A method for 2-dimensional inversion of gravity data S Vatankhah, EV Ardestani, M Ashtari Jafari
Journal of the Earth and Space Physics 40 (3), 23-33, 2014
8 2014 The northeastern Algeria hydrothermal system: gravimetric data and structural implication Y Bayou, A Abtout, RA Renaut, B Bouyahiaoui, S Maouche, S Vatankhah, ...
Geothermal Energy 11 (1), 14, 2023
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