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shangfei wangUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaE-mail confirmado em ustc.edu.cn
Zhiwei ZhuSenior Computer Scientist, SRI International SarnoffE-mail confirmado em sri.com
Xiaoyang WangTencent AI Lab, Bellevue, WAE-mail confirmado em global.tencent.com
Zach WangAI Engineering Manager @ FacebookE-mail confirmado em fb.com
Robert M. HaralickDistinguished Professor of Computer Science, Graduate Center, City University of New YorkE-mail confirmado em gc.cuny.edu
Baoyuan WuAssociate Professor, CUHK-SZE-mail confirmado em cuhk.edu.cn
Bao-Gang Hu / 胡包钢NLPR/LIAMA, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of SciencesE-mail confirmado em nlpr.ia.ac.cn
Siqi NieFacebookE-mail confirmado em fb.com
Lijun YinProfessor of Computer Science, Binghamton UniversityE-mail confirmado em cs.binghamton.edu
Peng WangAlphaSenseE-mail confirmado em alpha-sense.com
Yongqiang LiHarbin Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em hit.edu.cn
Anthony HoogsSenior Director of Computer Vision, Kitware, Inc.E-mail confirmado em kitware.com
Antonio TorralbaProfessor of Computer Science, MITE-mail confirmado em csail.mit.edu
Mubarak ShahTrustee Chair Professor of Computer Science, University of Central FloridaE-mail confirmado em crcv.ucf.edu
Larry DavisProfessor of Computer Science, University of MarylandE-mail confirmado em cs.umd.edu
Naresh CuntoorLead Scientist, Intelligent Automation IncE-mail confirmado em i-a-i.com
Deva RamananProfessor, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon UniversityE-mail confirmado em cs.cmu.edu
Amit K. Roy-ChowdhuryProfessor and UC Presidential Chair, UC Riverside; Fellow IEEE, IAPRE-mail confirmado em ece.ucr.edu
Sangmin OhSoftware, Artificial Intelligence, RoboticsE-mail confirmado em sangminoh.org
Amitha PereraSoftware Engineer, LaceworkE-mail confirmado em thepereras.org