Gledson Tavares Amorim Oliveira
Gledson Tavares Amorim Oliveira
PhD student of Graduate Program in Health Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
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Initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and sedentary behavior in hypertensive older adults: An accelerometer-based analysis
RAV Browne, GAD Macêdo, LLP Cabral, GTA Oliveira, A Vivas, ...
Experimental gerontology 142, 111121, 2020
Let the pleasure guide your resistance training intensity
HM Elsangedy, D Machado, K Krinski, PH Duarte Do Nascimento, ...
Med Sci Sports Exerc 50 (7), 1472-79, 2018
Staying active under restrictions: changes in type of physical exercise during the initial COVID-19 lockdown
V Benzing, S Nosrat, A Aghababa, V Barkoukis, D Bondarev, YK Chang, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (22), 12015, 2021
Housing type is associated with objectively measured changes in movement behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in older adults with hypertension: An exploratory study
RAV Browne, LLP Cabral, YA Freire, GAD Macêdo, GTA Oliveira, A Vivas, ...
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 94, 104354, 2021
Efeito dos treinamentos aeróbio, resistido e concorrente na pressão arterial e morfologia de idosos normotensos e hipertensos
P Carvalho, G Barros, T Melo, P Santos, G Oliveira, I D’Amorim
Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde 18 (3), 363-363, 2013
Effects of self-selected resistance training on physical fitness and psychophysiological responses in physically inactive older women: a randomized controlled study
HM Elsangedy, GTA Oliveira, DGS Machado, MPM Tavares, AO Araújo, ...
Perceptual and Motor Skills 128 (1), 467-491, 2021
Vertical jump and handgrip strength in basketball athletes by playing position and performance
T Gledson, P Gantois, HKC Faro, PHD do Nascimento, PP Paes, ...
Journal of physical education and sport 18 (1), 132-137, 2018
Effects of 12 weeks of high-intensity interval, moderate-intensity continuous and self-selected intensity exercise training protocols on cognitive inhibitory control in …
GT Amorim Oliveira, HM Elsangedy, DC Pereira, R de Melo Silva, ...
European Journal of Sport Science 22 (11), 1724-1733, 2022
Dropout predictors at gyms: a retrospective study
GTA Oliveira, LC Pereira, M Linhares, LRF Silva, PR Silva, HM Elsangedy
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte 43, e014220, 2021
Mental fatigue prior to aerobic exercise reduces exercise pleasure and negatively affects implicit attitudes toward future exercise
FA Pessoa, LC Pereira, A de Oliveira Araújo, GTA Oliveira, DC Pereira, ...
Perceptual and motor skills 129 (3), 816-832, 2022
PRC Carvalho, GR Batista, PGMD Santos, TTS Melo, GTA Oliveira, ...
Revista baiana de saúde pública 37 (2), 460-460, 2013
Somatótipo, composição corporal e capacidades físicas em atletas de voleibol e handebol
PGMD dos Santos, TTS de Melo, GT de Amorim Oliveira, PRC Carvalho
Revista Mackenzie de Educação Física e Esporte 13 (2), 2014
Associations of objectively measured movement behavior and cardiorespiratory fitness with mental health and quality of life in older adults with hypertension: an exploratory …
EF Moura, DAR Cabral, MLM Rego, RAV Browne, GAD Macedo, ...
Aging & Mental Health 26 (8), 1678-1685, 2022
Exercise behavior patterns and associations with subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study in Brazil
GTA Oliveira, A de Oliveira Araújo, LRF da Silva, M Linhares, LC Pereira, ...
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 46, 101374, 2021
Fatores motivacionais em paratletas com deficiência visual e motora praticantes de natação e atletismo
GT de Amorim Oliveira, PGMD dos Santos, GR Batista, ARR Santos
Conexões 11 (1), 29-41, 2013
Effect of high-intensity interval, moderate-intensity continuous, and self-selected intensity training on health and affective responses
GTA Oliveira, EC Costa, TM Santos, RA Bezerra, TMAM Lemos, ...
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 95 (1), 31-46, 2024
Positive implicit associations for physical activity predict physical activity and affective responses during exercise
GD de Oliveira Calado, A de Oliveira Araújo, GTA Oliveira, JE Sasaki, ...
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 44 (3), 198-205, 2022
Efeito do treinamento resistido progressivo nos parâmetros antropométricos de pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS
P Santos, G Oliveira, P Carvalho
Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde 18 (6), 782-782, 2013
Can discrepancies between impulsive and reflective processes be associated with movement behavior among the elderly? The facilitating role of inhibitory control
GTA Oliveira, HM Elsangedy, A Vivas, EB Fontes
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 63, 102272, 2022
Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity of Schoolchildren from a Low-income Region in Brazil: Associations with Maternal Variables
RA Bezerra, GTA Oliveira, UV Bagni, ÉR Barbalho, IMG Rocha, FR Araújo, ...
Journal of Human Growth and Development 31 (2), 209-216, 2021
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