Mai Beilmann
Mai Beilmann
Associate Professor of Empirical Sociology, University of Tartu
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Apathy or alienation? Political passivity among youths across eight European Union countries
V Dahl, E Amnå, S Banaji, M Landberg, J Šerek, N Ribeiro, M Beilmann, ...
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 15 (3), 284-301, 2018
The Relationship Between Social Capital and Individualism–Collectivism in Europe
M Beilmann, L Kööts-Ausmees, A Realo
Social Indicators Research 137 (2), 641-664, 2018
Individualism-collectivism and social capital at the individual level
M Beilmann, A Realo
Trames: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 16 (3), 205-217, 2012
Social trust and value similarity: The relationship between social trust and human values in Europe
M Beilmann, L Lilleoja
Studies of Transition States and Societies 7 (2), 19-30, 2015
Non-formal and Informal Learning as Citizenship Education: the Views of Young People and Youth Policymakers
AA Allaste, M Beilmann, R Pirk
Journal of Applied Youth Studies 5 (1), 19-35, 2022
The reasons for the interruption of vocational training in Estonian vocational schools
M Beilmann, K Espenberg
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 68 (1), 87-101, 2016
The relationship between adolescents’ social capital and individualism-collectivism in Estonia, Germany, and Russia
M Beilmann, B Mayer, K Kasearu, A Realo
Child Indicators Research 7, 589-611, 2014
Policy responses to real world challenges associated with NEET youth: a scoping review
H Paabort, P Flynn, M Beilmann, C Petrescu
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 5, 1154464, 2023
Youth in the Kaleidoscope: Civic Participation Types in Estonia and the Czech Republic
M Beilmann, V Kalmus, J Macek, A Macková, J Šerek
Sociální studia / Social Studies 15 (2), 11-33, 2018
Õpingute katkestamise põhjused kutseõppes
K Espenberg, M Beilmann, M Rahnu, E Reincke, E Themas
Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskus & CDP Arenduskeskus, 2012
The Role of School-Home Communication in Supporting the Development of Children’s and Adolescents’ Digital Skills, and the Changes Brought by Covid-19
M Beilmann, S Opermann, V Kalmus, J Vissenberg, M Pedaste
Journal of Media Literacy Education 15 (1), 1-13, 2023
Dropping out because of the others: bullying among the students of Estonian vocational schools
M Beilmann
British Journal of Sociology of Education 38 (8), 1139-1151, 2017
Home-school communication on children's digital skills development: Based on interviews with experts from the education sector
M Beilmann, S Opermann, V Kalmus, V Donoso, N Retzmann, ..., 2020
Long-Lasting Shadows of (Post) Communism? Generational and Ethnic Divides in Political and Civic Participation In Estonia
V Kalmus, R Kõuts-Klemm, M Beilmann, A Rämmer, S Opermann
(Mis) understanding Political Participation: Digital Practices, New Forms Of …, 2018
Active Citizenship: Participatory Patterns of European Youth
E Enchikova, T Neves, M Beilmann, S Banaji, V Pavlopoulos, PD Ferreira
Journal of Social Science Education 20 (1), 4−29, 2021
Laste ja noorte seksuaalse väärkohtlemise leviku uuring
K Soo, M Lukk, M Ainsaar, M Beilmann, M Sammul, G Tamm, ...
Justiitsministeerium, 2016
Subjective Well‐Being of NEETs and Employability: A Study of Non‐Urban Youths in Spain, Italy, and Portugal
P Mazzocchi, O Agahi, M Beilmann, L Bettencourt, R Brazienė, ...
Politics and Governance 12, 2024
Learning to trust: Trends in generalized social trust in the three Baltic countries from 1990 to 2018
M Beilmann, L Lilleoja, A Realo
Social capital and subjective well-being: Insights from cross-cultural …, 2021
The cost of intensive civic participation: young activists on the edge of Burnout
M Beilmann
Youth Active Citizenship in Europe: Ethnographies of Participation, 189-219, 2020
NEETs and Youth Guarantee Registration: Examining the Link to Past Undeclared Work
A Rocca, O Agahi, M Beilmann, L Bettencourt, N Edisherashvili, E Marta, ...
Politics and Governance 12, 2024
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