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Maarten LöfflerComputer Science, Utrecht UniversityE-mail confirmado em cs.uu.nl
Joseph S. B. MitchellDistinguished Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Stony Brook UniversityE-mail confirmado em stonybrook.edu
Kevin BuchinProfessor of Computer Science, Technical University DortmundE-mail confirmado em tu-dortmund.de
Christian ScheidelerUniversität PaderbornE-mail confirmado em upb.de
Val PolishchukLinköping UniversityE-mail confirmado em alumni.stonybrook.edu
Erik DemaineProfessor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em mit.edu
Robert GmyrMicrosoftE-mail confirmado em microsoft.com
Michael BiroUniversity of ConnecticutE-mail confirmado em uconn.edu
Marc van KreveldProfessor of Computer Science, Utrecht UniversityE-mail confirmado em uu.nl
Fabian KuhnProfessor of Computer Science, University of FreiburgE-mail confirmado em informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Frank StaalsUtrecht UniversityE-mail confirmado em fstaals.net
Girishkumar SabhnaniGoogle, Stony Brook UniversityE-mail confirmado em google.com
Jie GaoProfessor of Computer Science, Rutgers UniversityE-mail confirmado em cs.rutgers.edu
Thim StrothmannComputer Science Department, Paderborn UniversityE-mail confirmado em mail.upb.de
Martin DemaineMITE-mail confirmado em mit.edu
Sándor P. FeketeTechnische Universität Braunschweig, L3S Research CenterE-mail confirmado em tu-bs.de
Christiane SchmidtAssociate professor (biträdande professor), Linköping UniversityE-mail confirmado em liu.se
Ryuhei UeharaJapan Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em jaist.ac.jp
Kevin VerbeekAssociate Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science, TU EindhovenE-mail confirmado em tue.nl
Wouter MeulemansEindhoven University of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em tue.nl