Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Heather GageSaiba mais
3 artigos não disponíveis publicamente
A quasi-experimental controlled evaluation of the impact of a hospice rapid response community service for end-of-life care on achievement of preferred place of death
LM Holdsworth, H Gage, S Coulton, A King, C Butler
Palliative medicine 29 (9), 817-825, 2015
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Current issues and challenges in research on virtual reality therapy for children with neurodisability
WJ Farr, H Gage, M GradDipPhys, M Jackson, M Anjum Memon
Journal of Alternative Medicine Research 10 (1), 7-15, 2018
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Workforce thresholds and the non-linear association between registered nurse staffing and care quality in long-term residential care: A retrospective longitudinal study of …
A Charlwood, D Valizade, LW Schreuders, C Thompson, M Glover, ...
International journal of nursing studies 157, 104815, 2024
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
103 artigos disponíveis publicamente
Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community
D Kendrick, A Kumar, H Carpenter, GAR Zijlstra, DA Skelton, JR Cook, ...
Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2014
Autorizações: UK Medical Research Council
Multicentre cluster randomised trial comparing a community group exercise programme and home-based exercise with usual care for people aged 65 years and over in primary care
S Iliffe, D Kendrick, R Morris, T Masud, H Gage, D Skelton, S Dinan, ...
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England) 18 (49), vii, 2014
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Community prevalence of long‐term urinary catheters use in England
H Gage, M Avery, C Flannery, P Williams, M Fader
Neurourology and urodynamics 36 (2), 293-296, 2017
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Effective health care for older people living and dying in care homes: a realist review
C Goodman, T Dening, AL Gordon, SL Davies, J Meyer, FC Martin, ...
BMC health services research 16, 1-14, 2016
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
The contribution of physician assistants in primary care: a systematic review
M Halter, V Drennan, K Chattopadhyay, W Carneiro, J Yiallouros, ...
BMC health services research 13, 1-13, 2013
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Living in uncertain times: trajectories to death in residential care homes
S Barclay, K Froggatt, C Crang, E Mathie, M Handley, S Iliffe, J Manthorpe, ...
British Journal of General Practice 64 (626), e576-e583, 2014
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Provision of NHS generalist and specialist services to care homes in England: review of surveys
S Iliffe, SL Davies, AL Gordon, J Schneider, T Dening, C Bowman, ...
Primary health care research & development 17 (2), 122-137, 2016
Autorizações: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK
Feasibility study of an integrated stroke self-management programme: a cluster-randomised controlled trial
F Jones, H Gage, A Drummond, A Bhalla, R Grant, S Lennon, C McKevitt, ...
BMJ open 6 (1), e008900, 2016
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Physician associates and GPs in primary care: a comparison
VM Drennan, M Halter, L Joly, H Gage, RL Grant, J Gabe, S Brearley, ...
British Journal of General Practice 65 (634), e344-e350, 2015
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Optimal healthcare delivery to care homes in the UK: a realist evaluation of what supports effective working to improve healthcare outcomes
AL Gordon, C Goodman, SL Davies, T Dening, H Gage, J Meyer, ...
Age and Ageing 47 (4), 595-603, 2018
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in …
C Goodman, SL Davies, A Gordon, T Dening, H Gage, J Meyer, B Bell, ...
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Randomized controlled trial of dietary fiber for the prevention of radiation-induced gastrointestinal toxicity during pelvic radiotherapy
L Wedlake, C Shaw, H McNair, A Lalji, K Mohammed, T Klopper, L Allan, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 106 (3), 849-857, 2017
Autorizações: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for …
Promoting physical activity in older people in general practice: ProAct65+ cluster randomised controlled trial
S Iliffe, D Kendrick, R Morris, M Griffin, D Haworth, H Carpenter, T Masud, ...
British Journal of General Practice 65 (640), e731-e738, 2015
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Follow-up care after treatment for prostate cancer: evaluation of a supported self-management and remote surveillance programme
J Frankland, H Brodie, D Cooke, C Foster, R Foster, H Gage, J Jordan, ...
BMC cancer 19, 1-18, 2019
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK, Prostate Cancer UK
Living and dying: responsibility for end‐of‐life care in care homes without on‐site nursing provision‐a prospective study
M Handley, C Goodman, K Froggatt, E Mathie, H Gage, J Manthorpe, ...
Health & social care in the community 22 (1), 22-29, 2014
Autorizações: UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK Medical Research Council
Contribution of physician assistants/associates to secondary care: a systematic review
M Halter, C Wheeler, F Pelone, H Gage, S de Lusignan, J Parle, R Grant, ...
BMJ open 8 (6), e019573, 2018
Autorizações: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of community group and home-based falls prevention exercise programmes on bone health in older people: the ProAct65+ bone study
RL Duckham, T Masud, R Taylor, D Kendrick, H Carpenter, S Iliffe, ...
Age and ageing 44 (4), 573-579, 2015
Autorizações: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK
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