Best channels of academia–industry interaction for long-term benefit C De Fuentes, G Dutrénit Research Policy 41 (9), 1666-1682, 2012 | 490 | 2012 |
Learning and knowledge management in the firm: from knowledge accumulation to strategic capabilities G Dutrénit Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000 | 476 | 2000 |
Building technological capabilities in latecomer firms: a review essay G Dutrénit Science, Technology and Society 9 (2), 209-241, 2004 | 288 | 2004 |
Channels of interaction between public research organisations and industry and their benefits: evidence from Mexico G Dutrénit, C De Fuentes, A Torres Science and Public Policy 37 (7), 513-526, 2010 | 217 | 2010 |
Channels and benefits of interactions between public research organisations and industry: comparing four Latin American countries G Dutrénit, V Arza Science and public policy 37 (7), 541-553, 2010 | 186 | 2010 |
El sistema nacional de innovación mexicano: estructuras, políticas, desempeño y desafíos G Dutrénit, M Capdevielle, JM Corona, M Puchet, F Santiago, ... University Library of Munich, Germany, 2010 | 175* | 2010 |
Geographic proximity and university–industry interaction: The case of Mexico C De Fuentes, G Dutrénit The Journal of Technology Transfer 41 (2), 329-348, 2016 | 133 | 2016 |
National innovation systems, social inclusion and development: The Latin American experience G Dutrénit, J Sutz Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014 | 131 | 2014 |
Introduction to science, technology and innovation policies for development: The Latin American experience G Crespi, G Dutrénit Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Development: The Latin …, 2014 | 111 | 2014 |
What are the factors driving university-industry linkages in latecomer firms: evidence from Mexico A Torres, G Dutrénit, N Becerra, JL Sampedro Science and Public Policy 38 (1), 31-42, 2011 | 111 | 2011 |
Acumulación de capacidades tecnológicas en subsidiarias de empresas globales en México: el caso de la industria maquiladora de exportación G Dutrénit, AO Vera-Cruz, A Arias, JL Sampedro, A Urióstegui Univ. Autónoma Metropolitana/Miguel Angel Porrúa, 2006 | 111* | 2006 |
Diferencias en el perfil de acumulación de capacidades tecnológicas en tres empresas mexicanas G Dutrénit, AO Vera-Cruz, AA Navarro El trimestre económico, 109-165, 2003 | 103 | 2003 |
Determinants of innovation and productivity in the service sector in Mexico C De Fuentes, G Dutrenit, F Santiago, N Gras Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 51 (3), 578-592, 2015 | 100 | 2015 |
Gestión del conocimiento en pymes y desempeño competitivo S Estrada, G Dutrénit Engevista 9 (2), 129-148, 2007 | 100 | 2007 |
Sistemas de innovación para un desarrollo inclusivo: la experiencia latinoamericana G Dutrénit, J Sutz Edward Elgar, 2014 | 94 | 2014 |
The transition from building‐up innovative technological capabilities to leadership by latecomer firms G Dutrénit Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 15 (2), 125-149, 2007 | 90 | 2007 |
Development profiles and accumulation of technological capabilities in Latin America G Dutrénit, JM Natera, MP Anyul, AO Vera-Cruz Technological Forecasting and Social Change 145, 396-412, 2019 | 89 | 2019 |
El perfil tecnológico de la industria mexicana y su dinámica innovadora en la década de los ochenta G Dutrénit, M Capdevielle Trimestre económico, 643-674, 1993 | 84 | 1993 |
Introduction: Innovation, growth and development in Latin-America: Stylized facts and a policy agenda G Dutrénit, J Katz Innovation 7 (2-3), 105-130, 2005 | 83 | 2005 |
Políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación para el desarrollo: La experiencia latinoamericana G Crespi, G Dutrénit FCCyT, 2013 | 82 | 2013 |