Xiangke Chang
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Lax integrability and the peakon problem for the modified Camassa-Holm equation
X Chang, J Szmigielski
Communications in Mathematical Physics 358, 295–341, 2017
Partial-skew-orthogonal polynomials and related integrable lattices with Pfaffian tau-functions
XK Chang, Y He, XB Hu, SH Li
Communications in Mathematical Physics 364, 1069-1119, 2018
Multipeakons of a two-component modified Camassa–Holm equation and the relation with the finite Kac–van Moerbeke lattice
XK Chang, XB Hu, J Szmigielski
Advances in Mathematics 299, 1-35, 2016
Degasperis–Procesi peakon dynamical system and finite Toda lattice of CKP type
XK Chang, XB Hu, SH Li
Nonlinearity 31 (10), 4746, 2018
A generalized nonisospectral Camassa–Holm equation and its multipeakon solutions
X Chang, X Chen, X Hu
Advances in Mathematics 263, 154-177, 2014
An application of Pfaffians to multipeakons of the Novikov equation and the finite Toda lattice of BKP type
XK Chang, XB Hu, SH Li, JX Zhao
Advances in Mathematics 338, 1077-1118, 2018
About several classes of bi-orthogonal polynomials and discrete integrable systems
XK Chang, XM Chen, XB Hu, HW Tam
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (1), 015204, 2014
Hankel determinant solutions to several discrete integrable systems and the Laurent property
XK Chang, XB Hu, G Xin
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 29 (1), 667-682, 2015
Moment modification, multipeakons, and nonisospectral generalizations
XK Chang, XB Hu, SH Li
Journal of Differential Equations 265 (9), 3858-3887, 2018
An extended multistep Shanks transformation and convergence acceleration algorithm with their convergence and stability analysis
JQ Sun, XK Chang, Y He, XB Hu
Numerische Mathematik 125, 785-809, 2013
A conjecture based on Somos-4 sequence and its extension
XK Chang, XB Hu
Linear algebra and its applications 436 (11), 4285-4295, 2012
Integrable discretization of soliton equations via bilinear method and Bäcklund transformation
YN Zhang, XK Chang, J Hu, XB Hu, HW Tam
Science China Mathematics 58, 279-296, 2015
Lax integrability of the modified Camassa-Holm equation and the concept of peakons
X Chang, J Szmigielski
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 23 (4), 563-572, 2016
A new integrable convergence acceleration algorithm for computing Brezinski–Durbin–Redivo-Zaglia’s sequence transformation via pfaffians
XK Chang, Y He, XB Hu, SH Li
Numerical Algorithms 78, 87-106, 2018
Liouville integrability of conservative peakons for a modified CH equation
X Chang, J Szmigielski
Journal of nonlinear mathematical physics 24 (4), 584-595, 2017
Isospectral flows related to Frobenius–Stickelberger–Thiele polynomials
XK Chang, XB Hu, J Szmigielski, A Zhedanov
Communications in Mathematical Physics 377, 387-419, 2020
Three semi-discrete integrable systems related to orthogonal polynomials and their generalized determinant solutions
XM Chen, XK Chang, JQ Sun, XB Hu, YN Yeh
Nonlinearity 28 (7), 2279, 2015
Generalized pseudopolar format algorithm for radar imaging with highly suboptimal aperture length
KY Han, YP Wang, XK Chang, WX Tan, W Hong
Science China Information Sciences 58, 1-15, 2015
Hermite–Padé approximations with Pfaffian structures: Novikov peakon equation and integrable lattices
XK Chang
Advances in Mathematics 402, 108338, 2022
Construction of new generalizations of Wynn’s epsilon and rho algorithm by solving finite difference equations in the transformation order
XK Chang, Y He, XB Hu, JQ Sun, EJ Weniger
Numerical Algorithms 83, 593-627, 2020
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