Sticking together or falling apart?: Solidarity in an era of individualization and globalization P De Beer, F Koster Amsterdam University Press, 2009 | 239 | 2009 |
Over werken in de postindustriële samenleving PT Beer SCP, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2001 | 168 | 2001 |
Three worlds of educational welfare states? A comparative study of higher education systems across welfare states N Willemse, P De Beer Journal of European Social Policy 22 (2), 105-117, 2012 | 167 | 2012 |
On worlds of welfare. Institutions and Their Effects in Eleven Welfare States JM Wildeboer Schut, J Vrooman, P De Beer Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands, 2001 | 126* | 2001 |
Het onderste kwart: werk en werkloosheid aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt PT Beer Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 1996 | 98 | 1996 |
How individualized are the Dutch? P De Beer Current sociology 55 (3), 389-413, 2007 | 89 | 2007 |
Why work is not a panacea: a decomposition analysis of EU-15 countries P De Beer Journal of European Social Policy 17 (4), 375-388, 2007 | 70 | 2007 |
The disability employment gap in European countries: What is the role of labour market policy? R Van Der Zwan, P De Beer Journal of European Social Policy 31 (4), 473-486, 2021 | 65 | 2021 |
The Labour Market Triangle: Employment Protection, Unemployment Compensation and Activation in Europe P de Beer, T Schils Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010 | 61 | 2010 |
Earnings and income inequality in the EU during the crisis P De Beer International Labour Review 151 (4), 313-331, 2012 | 55 | 2012 |
What explains the union membership gap between migrants and natives? M Kranendonk, P De Beer British Journal of Industrial Relations 54 (4), 846-869, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Het hervormingsmoeras van de verzorgingsstaat: veranderingen in de organisatie van de sociale zekerheid N Van Gestel, P De Beer, M Van der Meer Amsterdam University Press, 2009 | 50 | 2009 |
Individualisering zit tussen de oren P Beer JW Duyvendak en M. Huurenkamp (red.), Kiezen voor de kudde. Lichte …, 2004 | 42 | 2004 |
The impact of the crisis on earnings and income distribution in the EU P De Beer ETUI Working Paper 2012.01, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
Can occupational safety and health problems be prevented or not? Exploring the perception of informal automobile artisans in Nigeria FJ Afolabi, P de Beer, JA Haafkens Safety Science 135, 105097, 2021 | 38 | 2021 |
Wat is het nut van werken? P Beer Amsterdams sociologisch tijdschrift 26 (1), 25-57, 1999 | 37 | 1999 |
Labour market shortages in the European Union D Reymen, M Gerard, P De Beer, A Meierkord, M Paskov, V di Stasio, ... WIFO Studies, 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
Dutch unions in a time of crisis P De Beer, M Keune Rough waters European trade unions in a time of crises 221, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Perspectieven voor de laagopgeleiden P de Beer Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 22 (3), 2006 | 35 | 2006 |
Voor elkaar of uit elkaar?: individualisering, globalisering en solidariteit PT Beer, F Koster Aksant/de Burcht, 2007 | 32 | 2007 |