Ashesh Kumar Das
Ashesh Kumar Das
Former Professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Assam University, Silchar, India
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Inventorying plant biodiversity in homegardens: A case study in Barak Valley, Assam, North East India
T Das, AK Das
Current science, 155-163, 2005
Above ground standing biomass and carbon storage in village bamboos in North East India
AJ Nath, G Das, AK Das
Biomass and bioenergy 33 (9), 1188-1196, 2009
Managing woody bamboos for carbon farming and carbon trading
AJ Nath, R Lal, AK Das
Global Ecology and Conservation 3, 654-663, 2015
New vegetation type map of India prepared using satellite remote sensing: Comparison with global vegetation maps and utilities
PS Roy, MD Behera, MSR Murthy, A Roy, S Singh, SPS Kushwaha, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 39 …, 2015
Impact of land use changes in the storage of soil organic carbon in active and recalcitrant pools in a humid tropical region of India
AJ Nath, B Brahma, GW Sileshi, AK Das
Science of the Total Environment 624, 908-917, 2018
Ecosystem carbon sequestration through restoration of degraded lands in Northeast India
B Brahma, K Pathak, R Lal, B Kurmi, M Das, PC Nath, AJ Nath, AK Das
Land Degradation & Development, 2017
Aboveground biomass and carbon stocks of tree species in tropical forests of Cachar District, Assam, Northeast India.
N Borah, AJ Nath, AK Das
International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 39 (2), 97-106, 2013
Litter dynamics in khasi pine (Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon) of north-eastern India
AK Das, PS Ramakrishnan
Forest Ecology and Management 10 (1-2), 135-153, 1985
Quantifying carbon stocks and sequestration potential in agroforestry systems under divergent management scenarios relevant to India’s Nationally Determined Contribution
AJ Nath, GW Sileshi, SY Laskar, K Pathak, D Reang, A Nath, AK Das
Journal of Cleaner Production 281, 124831, 2021
Allometric models for estimation of forest biomass in North East India
AJ Nath, BK Tiwari, GW Sileshi, UK Sahoo, B Brahma, S Deb, NB Devi, ...
Forests 10 (2), 103, 2019
Carbon storage and sequestration in bamboo-based smallholder homegardens of Barak Valley, Assam
AJ Nath, AK Das
Current Science, 229-233, 2011
Allometric scaling, biomass accumulation and carbon stocks in different aged stands of thin-walled bamboos Schizostachyum dullooa, Pseudostachyum polymorphum and Melocanna …
P Singnar, MC Das, GW Sileshi, B Brahma, AJ Nath, AK Das
Forest Ecology and Management 395, 81-91, 2017
Assessing tree diversity and carbon storage during land use transitioning from shifting cultivation to indigenous agroforestry systems: Implications for REDD+ initiatives
D Reang, A Hazarika, GW Sileshi, R Pandey, AK Das, AJ Nath
Journal of Environmental Management 298, 113470, 2021
Ethnopedology and soil quality of bamboo (Bambusa sp.) based agroforestry system
A Nath, R Lal, AK Das
Science of the Total Environment 521, 372-379, 2015
Carbon pool and sequestration potential of village bamboos in the agroforestry system of northeast India
AJ Nath, AK Das
Tropical Ecology 53 (3), 287-293, 2012
Managing India's small landholder farms for food security and achieving the "4 per thousand target"
AJ Nath, R Lal, GW Sileshi, AK Das
Science of the Total Environment 64, 1024-1033, 2018
Conserving Biodiversity for Sustainable Development
PS Ramakrishnan, AK Das, KG Saxena
Symposium on "Biodiversity - Genes to Ecosystems : Towards Sustainable …, 1996
Fired Bricks: CO2 Emission and Food Insecurity
AJ Nath, R Lal, AK Das
Global Challenges 2 (4), 1700115, 2018
Indigenous knowledge of Nyishi tribes on traditional agroforestry systems.
S Deb, A Arunachalam, AK Das
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 8 (1), 41-46, 2009
Variations in soil organic carbon content with chronosequence, soil depth and aggregate size under shifting cultivation
SY Laskar, GW Sileshi, K Pathak, N Debnath, AJ Nath, KY Laskar, ...
Science of the Total Environment 762, 143114, 2021
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