Rafiq hamdi
Rafiq hamdi
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
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Ipcc, 2021: Summary for policymakers. in: Climate change 2021: The physical science basis. contribution of working group i to the sixth assessment report of the …
VP Masson-Delmotte, P Zhai, SL Pirani, C Connors, S Péan, N Berger, ...
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 2021
Technical summary
PA Arias, N Bellouin, E Coppola, RG Jones, G Krinner, J Marotzke, V Naik, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
The international urban energy balance models comparison project: first results from phase 1
CSB Grimmond, M Blackett, MJ Best, J Barlow, JJ Baik, SE Belcher, ...
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 49 (6), 1268-1292, 2010
Initial results from Phase 2 of the international urban energy balance model comparison
CSB Grimmond, M Blackett, MJ Best, JJ Baik, SE Belcher, J Beringer, ...
International Journal of Climatology 31 (2), 244-272, 2011
Single-column model intercomparison for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer
J Cuxart, AAM Holtslag, RJ Beare, E Bazile, A Beljaars, A Cheng, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 118, 273-303, 2006
Survey of data assimilation methods for convective‐scale numerical weather prediction at operational centres
N Gustafsson, T Janjić, C Schraff, D Leuenberger, M Weissmann, H Reich, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 144 (713), 1218-1256, 2018
Linking global to regional climate change
FJ Doblas-Reyes, AA Sorensson, M Almazroui, A Dosio, WJ Gutowski, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
The ALADIN System and its canonical model configurations AROME CY41T1 and ALARO CY40T1
P Termonia, C Fischer, E Bazile, F Bouyssel, R Brožková, P Bénard, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (1), 257-281, 2018
Sensitivity study of the urban heat island intensity to urban characteristics
R Hamdi, G Schayes
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2008
Inclusion of a drag approach in the Town Energy Balance (TEB) scheme: Offline 1D evaluation in a street canyon
R Hamdi, V Masson
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47 (10), 2627-2644, 2008
Cropland redistribution to marginal lands undermines environmental sustainability
W Kuang, J Liu, H Tian, H Shi, J Dong, C Song, X Li, G Du, Y Hou, D Lu, ...
National science review 9 (1), nwab091, 2022
Assessment of three dynamical urban climate downscaling methods: Brussels’s future urban heat island under an A1B emission scenario
R Hamdi, H Van de Vyver, R De Troch, P Termonia
Int. J. Climatol 34 (4), 978-999, 2014
Climate change versus land-use change—What affects the ecosystem services more in the forest-steppe ecotone?
F Cui, B Wang, Q Zhang, H Tang, P De Maeyer, R Hamdi, L Dai
Science of the Total Environment 759, 143525, 2021
The state-of-the-art of urban climate change modeling and observations
R Hamdi, H Kusaka, QV Doan, P Cai, H He, G Luo, W Kuang, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 4, 631-646, 2020
Multiscale performance of the ALARO-0 model for simulating extreme summer precipitation climatology in Belgium
R De Troch, R Hamdi, H Van de Vyver, JF Geleyn, P Termonia
Journal of Climate 26 (22), 8895-8915, 2013
Meteorological and air quality models for urban areas
A Baklanov, G Sue, M Alexander, M Athanassiadou
Springer, 2009
Local impact analysis of climate change on precipitation extremes: are high-resolution climate models needed for realistic simulations?
H Tabari, R De Troch, O Giot, R Hamdi, P Termonia, S Saeed, E Brisson, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 3843-3857, 2016
Validation of Martilli's urban boundary layer scheme with measurements from two mid-latitude European cities
R Hamdi, G Schayes
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (17), 4513-4526, 2007
Future climate of Brussels and Paris for the 2050s under the A1B scenario
R Hamdi, O Giot, R De Troch, A Deckmyn, P Termonia
Urban climate 12, 160-182, 2015
Effects of urbanization and climate change on surface runoff of the Brussels Capital Region: a case study using an urban soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer model
R Hamdi, P Termonia, P Baguis
International Journal of Climatology 31 (13), 1959-1974, 2011
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