Omid Noroozi
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A SWOT analysis of ChatGPT: Implications for educational practice and research
M Farrokhnia, SK Banihashem, O Noroozi, A Wals
Innovations in education and teaching international 61 (3), 460-474, 2024
Using gamification to support learning English as a second language: a systematic review
H Dehghanzadeh, H Fardanesh, J Hatami, E Talaee, O Noroozi
Computer Assisted Language Learning 34 (7), 934-957, 2021
Teachers’ online teaching expectations and experiences during the Covid19-pandemic in the Netherlands
I Van der Spoel, O Noroozi, E Schuurink, S van Ginkel
European journal of teacher education 43 (4), 623-638, 2020
Argumentation-based computer supported collaborative learning (ABCSCL): A synthesis of 15 years of research
O Noroozi, A Weinberger, HJA Biemans, M Mulder, M Chizari
Educational Research Review 7 (2), 79-106, 2012
Multicultural student group work in higher education: An explorative case study on challenges as perceived by students
V Popov, D Brinkman, HJA Biemans, M Mulder, A Kuznetsov, O Noroozi
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36 (2), 302-317, 2012
Facilitating argumentative knowledge construction through a transactive discussion script in CSCL
O Noroozi, A Weinberger, HJA Biemans, M Mulder, M Chizari
Computers & Education 61, 59-76, 2013
Relations between scripted online peer feedback processes and quality of written argumentative essay
O Noroozi, H Biemans, M Mulder
The Internet and Higher Education 31, 20-31, 2016
The mediating role of digital informal learning in the relationship between students' digital competence and their academic performance
M Mehrvarz, E Heidari, M Farrokhnia, O Noroozi
Computers & Education 167, 104184, 2021
How does online peer feedback improve argumentative essay writing and learning?
S Latifi, O Noroozi, J Hatami, HJA Biemans
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 58 (2), 195-206, 2021
Promoting argumentation competence: Extending from first-to second-order scaffolding through adaptive fading
O Noroozi, PA Kirschner, HJA Biemans, M Mulder
Educational psychology review 30, 153-176, 2018
Peer feedback or peer feedforward? Enhancing students’ argumentative peer learning processes and outcomes
S Latifi, O Noroozi, E Talaee
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (2), 768-784, 2021
Multimodal data to design visual learning analytics for understanding regulation of learning
O Noroozi, I Alikhani, S Järvelä, PA Kirschner, I Juuso, T Seppänen
Computers in Human Behavior 100, 298-304, 2019
Fostering oral presentation competence through a virtual reality-based task for delivering feedback
S Van Ginkel, J Gulikers, H Biemans, O Noroozi, M Roozen, T Bos, ...
Computers & Education 134, 78-97, 2019
A systematic review of the role of learning analytics in enhancing feedback practices in higher education
SK Banihashem, O Noroozi, S Van Ginkel, LP Macfadyen, HJA Biemans
Educational Research Review 37, 100489, 2022
Facilitating learning in multidisciplinary groups with transactive CSCL scripts
O Noroozi, SD Teasley, HJA Biemans, A Weinberger, M Mulder
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 8 (2 …, 2013
A systematic review on the impacts of game-based learning on argumentation skills
O Noroozi, H Dehghanzadeh, E Talaee
Entertainment Computing 35, 100369, 2020
Computer-supported collaborative concept mapping: The effects of different instructional designs on conceptual understanding and knowledge co-construction
M Farrokhnia, HJ Pijeira-Díaz, O Noroozi, J Hatami
Computers & Education 142, 103640, 2019
The effects of online peer feedback and epistemic beliefs on students’ argumentation-based learning
O Noroozi, J Hatami
Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 2019
Students’ online argumentative peer feedback, essay writing, and content learning: Does gender matter?
O Noroozi, J Hatami, A Bayat, S Van Ginkel, HJA Biemans, M Mulder
Interactive Learning Environments 28 (6), 698-712, 2020
The role of motivation in MOOCs’ retention rates: a systematic literature review
M Badali, J Hatami, SK Banihashem, E Rahimi, O Noroozi, Z Eslami
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 17 (1), 5, 2022
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