Rinat Levy-Cohen
Rinat Levy-Cohen
Fordham University, New York University (NYU), New York Hall of Science (NYSCI)
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Connect-to-Connected Worlds: Piloting a Mobile, Data-Driven Reflection Tool for an Open-Ended Simulation at a Museum
A Mallavarapu, L Lyons, U Stephen, W Thompson, R Levy-Cohen, ...
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), 2019
Prior achievement in math impacts adolescents’ help‐seeking behavior in interactive learning environments
R Levy Cohen, A Zusho
New Directions for Teaching and Learning 2023 (174), 65-71, 2023
Automated extraction of learning goals and objectives from syllabi using lda and neural nets
C Lang, R Levy-Cohen, C Woo, B Roberts, S Pepe, R Verma, Y Xu
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on learning analytics and …, 2018
Questions as prototypes: Facilitating children’s discovery and elaboration during game design
C Matuk, R Levy-Cohen, S Pawar
FabLearn, 2016
Studying shared regulation in immersive learning environments
RL Cohen, A Mallavarapu, L Lyons, S Uzzo
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer-Supported …, 2021
Innovation in School Curricula. In T. Patelis (Discussant), Symposium: Examples of Innovations in Education.
R Levy-Cohen
North Eastern Education Research Association (NERA)., https://www.linkedin …, 2023
A coding scheme for shared regulation in a synchronous museum simulation.
R Levy Cohen, A Mallavarapu, L Lyons, S Uzzo
International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), 2021
Studying Collective Problem Solving Regulation in an Immersive Open-Ended Museum Exhibit
R Levy-Cohen, A Mallavarapu, L Lyons, S Uzzo
American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2021
Exploring the transfer of students’ competencies from virtual inquiry to hands-on inquiry
J Gobert, R Dickler, C Staudenraus, R Levy-Cohen
AERA: American Educational Research Association, 2020
Examining Transfer of Inquiry Practices from Inq-ITS Virtual Labs to Hands on Inquiry
J Gobert, R Dickler, C Staudenraus, R Levy-Cohen
Subway Summit, 2019
Urban Teens’ Use of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies: A Comparison of Survey and Diary Data
R Levy-Cohen, R Arevalo, Jenny: Mann, D Ann Battaglia, ...
AERA: American Educational Research Association, 2019
The game design process: What children learn from and about making games of their choosing
R Levy-Cohen, CF Matuk
ISDDE (International Society for Design and Development in Education), 2017
“Game Making Is Harder Than I Thought”: Challenges in Game Design Driven By Children’s Own Interests.
R Levy-Cohen, C Matuk, S Pawar
In Proceedings of Subway 2017: 10th Annual Conference on Cognition and …, 2017
Fostering formative assessment: why don't students change their approaches to learning after hands-on experience? Insights from an action research study
R Levy-Cohen
In Proceedings of AAAL 2014, 2014
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