Paivi Abernethy
Paivi Abernethy
University of Victoria/University of Waterloo
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Leverage points for sustainability transformation
DJ Abson, J Fischer, J Leventon, J Newig, T Schomerus, U Vilsmaier, ...
Ambio 46, 30-39, 2017
Human–nature connection: a multidisciplinary review
CD Ives, M Giusti, J Fischer, DJ Abson, K Klaniecki, C Dorninger, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 26, 106-113, 2017
Facilitating co-production of transdisciplinary knowledge for sustainability: working with Canadian biosphere reserve practitioners
MG Reed, P Abernethy
Society & natural resources 31 (1), 39-56, 2018
Building a community of practice for sustainability: Strengthening learning and collective action of Canadian biosphere reserves through a national partnership
MG Reed, H Godmaire, P Abernethy, MA Guertin
Journal of environmental management 145, 230-239, 2014
Accelerated Detection and Identification of Mycobacteria with MGIT 960 and COBAS AMPLICOR Systems
ML Katila, P Katila, R Erkinjuntti-Pekkanen
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 38 (3), 960-4, 2000
Community of practice: an effective mechanism to strengthen capacity in climate change and health
N El Amiri, P Abernethy, N Spence, D Zakus, TA Kara, ...
Canadian Journal of Public Health 111, 862-868, 2020
Bridging conceptual “silos”: bringing together health promotion and sustainability governance for practitioners at the landscape scale
P Abernethy
Local Environment 21 (4), 451-475, 2016
Dismantling" race" in health research
D Dordunoo, P Abernethy, J Kayuni, S McConkey, ML Aviles-G
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 54 (3), 239-245, 2022
Power (ful) and power (less): a review of power in the ESG-agency scholarship
AK Gerlak, TR Eimer, MC Brisbois, LS Mills-Novoa, L Jorrit, P Abernethy
See Ref 49, 65-72, 2020
Climate change and Vibrio cholerae in herring eggs: the role of Indigenous communities in Public Health outbreak responses
P Abernethy, S Waters, T Kulchyski, D Rolston, H Swinkels, G Luttrell, ...
International Journal of Indigenous Health 16 (2), 2021
Social learning driven by collaboration in the Canadian network of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves
MG Reed, P Abernethy
Transformations of Social-Ecological Systems: Studies in co-creating …, 2018
Tenojoen lohenkalastuskiellon yhteiskunnalliset vaikutukset ja niiden seuranta
P Abernethy, J Saijets, M Jokinen, M Knuuttila, J Hiedanpää
Luonnonvarakeskus, 2022
Cascade vision: Regionally adaptive circular bioeconomy–added value, wellbeing and resource wisdom with cascade processing
T Jyske, K Rasa, P Korkalo, J Kohl, E Verkasalo, O Dahl, M Rinne, ...
Luonnonvarakeskus, 2023
Mobilities of wellbeing in children’s health promotion: Confronting urban settings in geographically informed theory and practice
JR Masuda, PK Abernethy, L David, D Lewis
Children's Health and Wellbeing in Urban Environments, 207-222, 2017
Engaged scholarship: reflections from a multi-talented, national partnership seeking to strengthen capacity for sustainability
MG Reed, H Godmaire, MA Guertin, D Potvin, P Abernethy
Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning …, 2015
Bridging Theories, Concepts, Organisations, and Collective Knowledge for Health and Sustainability Integration
P Abernethy
University of Waterloo, 2014
Bridging organizations in promoting health
P Abernethy
Public health: Improving health via inter-professional collaborations. New …, 2014
Kiertotalouden murros vaatii tuekseen monimuotoista yhteiskunnallista muutosta ja tutkimusta
P Abernethy, M Kniivilä, P Rikkonen, J Kauppi
Kaskadivisio: Alueellisesti mukautuva biokiertotalous–kaskadiprosessoinnilla …, 2023
Sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen kestävyys luonnonvarojen hallinnassa: Socially and Culturally Sustainable Natural Resource Governance (SOCCA)
K Soini, K Svels, P Abernethy, M Jokinen, A Ojala
Luonnonvarakeskus, 2021
14 Mobilities of wellbeing in children's health promotion
JR Masuda, PK Abernethy
Children's Health and Wellbeing in Urban Environments, 207, 2017
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