angelo solimini
angelo solimini
Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, University of Rome, Italy
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Three hundred ways to assess Europe's surface waters: an almost complete overview of biological methods to implement the Water Framework Directive
S Birk, W Bonne, A Borja, S Brucet, A Courrat, S Poikane, A Solimini, ...
Ecological indicators 18, 31-41, 2012
Diversity predicts stability and resource use efficiency in natural phytoplankton communities
R Ptacnik, AG Solimini, T Andersen, T Tamminen, P Brettum, L Lepistö, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (13), 5134-5138, 2008
Chlorophyll–nutrient relationships of different lake types using a large European dataset
G Phillips, OP Pietiläinen, L Carvalho, A Solimini, A Lyche Solheim, ...
Aquatic Ecology 42, 213-226, 2008
Are there side effects to watching 3D movies? A prospective crossover observational study on visually induced motion sickness
AG Solimini
PloS one 8 (2), e56160, 2013
A hitchhiker's guide to European lake ecological assessment and intercalibration
S Poikane, S Birk, J Böhmer, L Carvalho, C De Hoyos, H Gassner, ...
Ecological indicators 52, 533-544, 2015
Assessment of the ecological status of European surface waters: a work in progress
P Noges, W Van De Bund, AC Cardoso, AG Solimini, AS Heiskanen
Hydrobiologia 633, 197-211, 2009
Benthic macroinvertebrates in lake ecological assessment: A review of methods, intercalibration and practical recommendations
S Poikane, RK Johnson, L Sandin, AK Schartau, AG Solimini, G Urbanič, ...
Science of the total environment 543, 123-134, 2016
Freshwater ecosystem structure–function relationships: from theory to application
L Sandin, AG Solimini
Freshwater Biology 54 (10), 2017-2024, 2009
Phosphorus reference concentrations in European lakes
AC Cardoso, A Solimini, G Premazzi, L Carvalho, A Lyche, S Rekolainen
Shallow Lakes in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 5th International …, 2007
Chlorophyll reference conditions for European lake types used for intercalibration of ecological status
L Carvalho, A Solimini, G Phillips, M Van Den Berg, OP Pietiläinen, ...
Aquatic Ecology 42, 203-211, 2008
Developing a multimetric index of ecological integrity based on macroinvertebrates of mountain ponds in central Italy
AG Solimini, M Bazzanti, A Ruggiero, G Carchini
Pond Conservation in Europe, 109-123, 2010
A biotic index using benthic macroinvertebrates for Italian lakes
B Rossaro, L Marziali, AC Cardoso, A Solimini, G Free, R Giacchini
Ecological Indicators 7 (2), 412-429, 2007
Does lake habitat alteration and land‐use pressure homogenize E uropean littoral macroinvertebrate communities?
E McGoff, AG Solimini, MT Pusch, T Jurca, L Sandin
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (4), 1010-1018, 2013
Modelling lake macroinvertebrate species in the shallow sublittoral: relative roles of habitat, lake morphology, aquatic chemistry and sediment composition
G Free, AG Solimini, B Rossaro, L Marziali, R Giacchini, B Paracchini, ...
Hydrobiologia 633, 123-136, 2009
Analysis of changes over 44 years in the phytoplankton of Lake Võrtsjärv (Estonia): the effect of nutrients, climate and the investigator on phytoplankton-based water quality …
P Nõges, U Mischke, R Laugaste, AG Solimini
Hydrobiologia 646, 33-48, 2010
Spatial and Temporal Hot Spots of Aedes albopictus Abundance inside and outside a South European Metropolitan Area
M Manica, F Filipponi, A D’Alessandro, A Screti, M Neteler, R Rosa, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10 (6), e0004758, 2016
Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates to assess Ecological Status of Lakes current knowledge and way forward to support WFD Implementation.
A Solimini, G Free, I Donohue, K Irvine, M Pusch, B Rossaro, L Sandin, ...
European Communities, 2006
Transmission dynamics of the ongoing chikungunya outbreak in Central Italy: from coastal areas to the metropolitan city of Rome, summer 2017
M Manica, G Guzzetta, P Poletti, F Filipponi, A Solimini, B Caputo, ...
Eurosurveillance 22 (44), 17-00685, 2017
Morphological alterations of lake shores in Europe: a multimetric ecological assessment approach using benthic macroinvertebrates
O Miler, G Porst, E McGoff, F Pilotto, L Donohue, T Jurca, A Solimini, ...
Ecological Indicators 34, 398-410, 2013
The potential human exposure to antibiotic resistant-Escherichia coli through recreational water
E O'Flaherty, A Solimini, F Pantanella, E Cummins
Science of the Total Environment 650, 786-795, 2019
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