Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Luke X. ReynoldsSaiba mais
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Charge generation dynamics in CdS: P3HT blends for hybrid solar cells
UB Cappel, SA Dowland, LX Reynolds, S Dimitrov, SA Haque
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 (24), 4253-4257, 2013
Autorizações: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
8 artigos disponíveis publicamente
Two-dimensional spatial coherence of excitons in semicrystalline polymeric semiconductors: Effect of molecular weight
F Paquin, H Yamagata, NJ Hestand, M Sakowicz, N Bérubé, M Côté, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (15), 155202, 2013
Autorizações: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Determining the exciton diffusion length in a polyfluorene from ultrafast fluorescence measurements of polymer/fullerene blend films
A Bruno, LX Reynolds, C Dyer-Smith, J Nelson, SA Haque
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (39), 19832-19838, 2013
Autorizações: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Controlling the interaction of light with polymer semiconductors
C Hellmann, F Paquin, ND Treat, A Bruno, LX Reynolds, SA Haque, ...
Advanced Materials 25 (35), 4906-4911, 2013
Autorizações: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Photoinduced electron and hole transfer in CdS: P3HT nanocomposite films: effect of nanomorphology on charge separation yield and solar cell performance
SA Dowland, LX Reynolds, A MacLachlan, UB Cappel, SA Haque
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (44), 13896-13901, 2013
Autorizações: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Connecting the (quantum) dots: towards hybrid photovoltaic devices based on chalcogenide gels
JN De Freitas, L Korala, LX Reynolds, SA Haque, SL Brock, AF Nogueira
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (43), 15180-15184, 2012
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Impact of dithienyl or thienothiophene units on the optoelectronic and photovoltaic properties of benzo [1, 2, 5] thiadiazole based donor–acceptor copolymers for organic solar …
AJ Pearson, DC Watters, H Yi, MS Sarjadi, LX Reynolds, PP Marchisio, ...
RSC Advances 4 (81), 43142-43149, 2014
Autorizações: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Photophysics and morphology of a polyfluorene donor–acceptor triblock copolymer for solar cells
C Yan, AJ Cadby, AJ Parnell, W Tang, MWA Skoda, D Mohamad, SP King, ...
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 51 (23), 1705-1718, 2013
Autorizações: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Synthesis and optical characterisation of triphenylamine-based hole extractor materials for CdSe quantum dots
M Planells, LX Reynolds, U Bansode, S Chhatre, S Ogale, N Robertson, ...
Physical chemistry chemical physics 15 (20), 7679-7684, 2013
Autorizações: Department of Science & Technology, India, UK Engineering and Physical …
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