Dong Hyun Jeong
Dong Hyun Jeong
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iPCA: An Interactive system for PCA‐based visual analytics
DH Jeong, C Ziemkiewicz, B Fisher, W Ribarsky, R Chang
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (3), 767-774, 2009
Recovering reasoning processes from user interactions
W Dou, DH Jeong, F Stukes, W Ribarsky, HR Lipford, R Chang
IEEE computer graphics and applications 29 (3), 52-61, 2009
A multi-level intrusion detection method for abnormal network behaviors
SY Ji, BK Jeong, S Choi, DH Jeong
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 62, 9-17, 2016
A survey of cloud-based network intrusion detection analysis
N Keegan, SY Ji, A Chaudhary, C Concolato, B Yu, DH Jeong
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 6, 1-16, 2016
Defining and applying knowledge conversion processes to a visual analytics system
X Wang, DH Jeong, W Dou, S Lee, W Ribarsky, R Chang
Computers & Graphics 33 (5), 616-623, 2009
Understanding principal component analysis using a visual analytics tool
DH Jeong, C Ziemkiewicz, W Ribarsky, R Chang, CV Center
Charlotte visualization center, UNC Charlotte 19, 2009
On managing very large sensor-network data using bigtable
B Yu, A Cuzzocrea, D Jeong, S Maydebura
2012 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2012
Detecting insider threats: Solutions and trends
S Zeadally, B Yu, DH Jeong, L Liang
Information security journal: A global perspective 21 (4), 183-192, 2012
Designing a rule-based hourly rainfall prediction model
SY Ji, S Sharma, B Yu, DH Jeong
2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration …, 2012
Evaluating the relationship between user interaction and financial visual analysis
DH Jeong, W Dou, HR Lipford, F Stukes, R Chang, W Ribarsky
2008 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 83-90, 2008
Using personality factors to predict interface learning performance
TM Green, DH Jeong, B Fisher
2010 43rd Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 1-10, 2010
GVis: A Scalable Visualization Framework for Genomic Data.
J Hong, DH Jeong, CD Shaw, W Ribarsky, M Borodovsky, CG Song
EuroVis 5, 191-198, 2005
Evaluating visualization approaches to detect abnormal activities in network traffic data
SY Ji, BK Jeong, DH Jeong
International Journal of Information Security 20 (3), 331-345, 2021
Developing an efficient technique of Selection and Manipulation in Immersive VE
CG Song, NJ Kwak, DH Jeong
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 2000
Comparing different levels of interaction constraints for deriving visual problem isomorphs
W Dou, C Ziemkiewicz, L Harrison, DH Jeong, R Ryan, W Ribarsky, ...
2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 195-202, 2010
An integrated framework for managing sensor data uncertainty using cloud computing
B Yu, R Sen, DH Jeong
Information Systems 38 (8), 1252-1268, 2013
Designing a collaborative visual analytics system to support users’ continuous analytical processes
DH Jeong, SY Ji, EA Suma, B Yu, R Chang
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 5, 1-20, 2015
Touch2Annotate: Generating better annotations with less human effort on multi-touch interfaces
Y Chen, J Yang, S Barlowe, DH Jeong
CHI'10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3703-3708, 2010
A survey on uncertainty reasoning and quantification in belief theory and its application to deep learning
Z Guo, Z Wan, Q Zhang, X Zhao, Q Zhang, LM Kaplan, A Jøsang, ...
Information Fusion 101, 101987, 2024
A survey on uncertainty reasoning and quantification for decision making: Belief theory meets deep learning
Z Guo, Z Wan, Q Zhang, X Zhao, F Chen, JH Cho, Q Zhang, LM Kaplan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.05675, 2022
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