Antigha Bassey
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Tourism industry impact on Efik's culture, Nigeria
AM Agba, MU Ikoh, AO Bassey, EM Ushie
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 4 (4 …, 2010
Human development trend in Nigeria: The need for concrete implementation of the seven point agenda
AO Agba, A. M., Ushie, E. M., Ushie, M. A., Bassey, MS Agba
The Nigerian Journal of Social and Development Issues 6 (1), 15-28, 2009
Gender and occupation in traditional African setting: A study of Ikot Effanga Mkpa Community Nigeria
AO Bassey, TA Ojua, EP Archibong, UA Bassey
American International Journal of Contemporary Research 2 (3), 238-245, 2012
The impact of inter-union conflicts on industrial harmony: The case of tertiary health institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria
AO Bassey, AO Takim, EP Archibong, UA Bassey
Geografia 8 (4), 2012
Impact of training and retraining on teachers' productivity: An empirical analysis of public schools in Calabar South, Nigeria
UA Bassey, AO Bassey, JG Ojua, T. A., Ottong
Journal of Education and Leadership, 2011
Industrial Socialisation and Role Performance in Contemporary Organisation
AO Bassey, F Attah, UA Bassey
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology 2 (5), 129-136, 2012
Corruption as a social problem and its implication on Nigerian society: a review of anticorrupt policies
AO Bassey, RP Abia, A Frank, UA Bassey
Mediterranean journal of social sciences 4 (1), 423-430, 2013
States and local government areas creation as a strategy of national integration or disintegration in Nigeria
AO Bassey, CE Omono, PO Bisong, UA Bassey
Journal of Educational and Social Research 3 (1), 237-245, 2013
An analysis of the application of change management in organisations
AO Bassey, EH Solomon, CE Omono
Academic Research International 5 (4), 481-486, 2014
Telecommunications Revolution: Implications on Criminality and Family Crisis in the South-South States of Nigeria
AMO Agba, M Ikoh, EM Ushie, AO Bassey
Computer and Information Science 3 (1), 42, 2010
An examination of causes and consequences of conflict between legislature and executive in Cross River State, Nigeria
AO Bassey, RP Abia, CE Omono, UA Bassey
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1), 179-187, 2013
Conflicts between line and staff employee and the achievement of organisational goal and objectives: A study of university of Calabar teaching hospital
A Okon, T Asu, U Antigha
International Journal of Business and Social Science 3 (6), 2012
Social Studies Education: Theories and Patterns for Nation Building
AO Bassey
Social Studies for Colleges and Universities in Nigeria, 2015
A theoretical prognosis and analysis of federal balance in Nigeria, 1954-2013
AO Bassey
Review of Arts and Humanities 1 (1), 51-65, 2012
Analysis of the implications of religious teachings and practices in spending pattern, consumption and business success in Nigerian industrial development
AO Bassey, O Takim
European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 2014
Principles and practice of social welfare
JG Ottong, AO Bassey
Ephraim Printers, 2011
Community development: Principles and practice
JG Ottong, AO Bassey
Uplifting the socioeconomic life of Rural People through the Provision of Credit facilities and Entrepreneurship Development: The Role of CUSO International
BAOAPU Ojong-Ejoh Mary Uyilowohma
FWU Journal of Social Sciences 15 (1), 105 - 119, 2022
Challenges and prospects of applying scientific methods in sociological and policy investigation
AO Bassey, TA Abang, ME Iji
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences 1 (1), 9-15, 2017
Christian prosperity doctrine and entrepreneurial development of Nigeria: a study of selected churches in Calabar, Nigeria
AO Bassey, JO Charles, TA Ojua
Mediterr J Soc Sci 5, 564-72, 2014
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