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Detlef LohsePhysics of Fluids, University of TwenteE-mail confirmado em utwente.nl
Susanne HornProfessor of Numerical and Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Coventry UniversityE-mail confirmado em coventry.ac.uk
Roberto VerziccoProfessor of Fluid-dynamics, Università di Roma Tor Vergata & GSSIE-mail confirmado em uniroma2.it
Robert EckeLos Alamos National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em lanl.gov
Richard StevensUniversity of TwenteE-mail confirmado em utwente.nl
M. S. EmranTechnische Universität IlmenauE-mail confirmado em tu-ilmenau.de
Eberhard Bodenschatzmax planck Institute Dynamics and Self-Organization, LASSP Cornell UniversityE-mail confirmado em ds.mpg.de
Lukas ZwirnerMax Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, GöttingenE-mail confirmado em ds.mpg.de
Stephan WeissGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)E-mail confirmado em dlr.de
Philipp ReiterMax Planck Institue of Dynamics and Self-organizationE-mail confirmado em ds.mpg.de
Emily SC ChingThe Chinese University of Hong KongE-mail confirmado em phy.cuhk.edu.hk
Xiaojue Zhu 朱晓珏Max Planck Institute for Solar System ResearchE-mail confirmado em mps.mpg.de
Andre ThessDLRE-mail confirmado em dlr.de
Ke-Qing XiaProfessor, Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of Science andE-mail confirmado em sustech.edu.cn
Moritz LinkmannSchool of Mathematics, University of EdinburghE-mail confirmado em ed.ac.uk
Kai Leong Chong (Steven)School of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Shanghai UniversityE-mail confirmado em shu.edu.cn
Bernard J. GeurtsProfessor of Mathematics, University of Twente & Eindhoven University of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em utwente.nl
M.A. Botchev (Bochev)Keldysh Institute of Applied MathematicsE-mail confirmado em kiam.ru
E.M.A. FrederixNuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG)E-mail confirmado em nrg.eu
Jorge Bailon CubaUniversity of Puerto RicoE-mail confirmado em upr.edu
Olga Shishkina
Theory of Turbulent Convection Group, MPI for Dynamics & Self-Organization
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