Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Gianpiero EvolaSaiba mais
2 artigos não disponíveis publicamente
Synergic effects of thermal mass and natural ventilation on the thermal behaviour of traditional massive buildings
A Gagliano, F Nocera, F Patania, A Moschella, M Detommaso, G Evola
International Journal of Sustainable Energy 35 (5), 411-428, 2016
Autorizações: Government of Italy
A Decision Support Tool for the Co-design of Energy and Seismic Retrofitting Solutions Within the e-SAFE Project
G Evola, G Margani, V Costanzo, A Artino, DL Distefano, G Semprini, ...
International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, 12-21, 2022
Autorizações: European Commission
14 artigos disponíveis publicamente
Proposal and validation of a model for the dynamic simulation of a solar-assisted single-stage LiBr/water absorption chiller
G Evola, N Le Pierrès, F Boudehenn, P Papillon
International journal of refrigeration 36 (3), 1015-1028, 2013
Autorizações: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Exergy analysis of energy systems in buildings
G Evola, V Costanzo, L Marletta
Buildings 8 (12), 180, 2018
Autorizações: Government of Italy
Energy performance of a prefabricated timber-based retrofit solution applied to a pilot building in Southern Europe
G Evola, V Costanzo, A Urso, C Tardo, G Margani
Building and Environment 222, 109442, 2022
Autorizações: European Commission
Moisture-related risks in wood-based retrofit solutions in a mediterranean climate: design recommendations
A Urso, V Costanzo, F Nocera, G Evola
Sustainability 14 (22), 2022
Autorizações: European Commission
Hygrothermal and acoustic performance of two innovative envelope renovation solutions developed in the e-SAFE project
G Evola, V Costanzo, L Marletta
Energies 14 (13), 4006, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
The e-SAFE energy and seismic renovation solutions for the European building stock: main features and requirements
G Evola, G Margani, V Costanzo, C Tardo, EM Marino, G Semprini, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2069 (1), 012224, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
Experimental measurement of thermal transmittance in reinforced concrete buildings
G Evola, L Marletta, C Marino, A Nucara, MF Panzera, M Pietrafesa, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2020
Autorizações: Government of Italy
Assessment of four hysteresis models on predictions of thermal performance of hempcrete walls with microencapsulated and macroencapsulated phase change materials
Y Abdellatef, M Kavgic, S Ormiston, G Evola
Available at SSRN 4579144, 2023
Autorizações: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Upgrading weather datasets for building energy simulation: a preliminary investigation
G Evola, V Costanzo, M Infantone, C Marino, MF Panzera, L Marletta
2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2020
Autorizações: Government of Italy
Exergy analysis of energy systems in buildings
L Marletta, G Evola, L Tronchin, K Fabbri
2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2018
Autorizações: Government of Italy
On the choice of the weather dataset in hygrothermal simulations in Mediterranean climate: MRY vs TWY
A Urso, V Costanzo, G Evola, F Nocera
Building Simulation 2023 18, 1338-1345, 2023
Autorizações: European Commission
Preliminary investigation on the transient hygrothermal analysis of a CLT-based retrofit solution for exterior walls
V Costanzo, G Evola, L Marletta, G Roccella
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2042 (1), 012142, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
Hygrothermal and Acoustic Performance of Two Innovative Envelope Renovation Solutions Developed in the e-SAFE Project. Energies 2021, 14, 4006
G Evola, V Costanzo, L Marletta
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
Exergy Analysis of a Residential Building in Southern Italy: Lessons for Low-Exergy Buildings and Systems
G Evola, V Costanzo, L Marletta
Building Simulation 2019 16, 263-269, 2019
Autorizações: Government of Italy
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