Cibele M Russo
Cibele M Russo
Assistant Professor of Statistics, University of São Paulo, BRAZIL
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A survey on the accessibility awareness of people involved in web development projects in Brazil
AP Freire, CM Russo, RPM Fortes
Proceedings of the 2008 international cross-disciplinary conference on Web …, 2008
Longitudinal follow-up of bipolar disorder in women with premenstrual exacerbation: findings from STEP-BD
RS Dias, B Lafer, C Russo, A Del Debbio, AA Nierenberg, GS Sachs, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 168 (4), 386-394, 2011
The perception of accessibility in web development by academy, industry and government: a survey of the brazilian scenario
AP Freire, CM Russo, RPM Fortes
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 14 (2), 149-175, 2008
Edge effects in savanna fragments: a case study in the cerrado
AH Mendonça, C Russo, ACG Melo, G Durigan
Plant Ecology & Diversity 8 (4), 493-503, 2015
Influence diagnostics in nonlinear mixed-effects elliptical models
CM Russo, GA Paula, R Aoki
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53 (12), 4143-4156, 2009
A study on the acceptance of website interaction aids by older adults
SMA de Lara, RPM Fortes, CM Russo, AP Freire
Universal Access in the Information Society 15, 445-460, 2016
Assessment of variance components in nonlinear mixed-effects elliptical models
CM Russo, R Aoki, GA Paula
Test 21, 519-545, 2012
Safety-Stock: Predicting the demand for supplies in Brazilian hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic
OAG Junior, DC Nascimento, CM Russo, MJ Henriques, CP Tomazella, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 247, 108753, 2022
Nonlinear mixed-effects models with scale mixture of skew-normal distributions
MAA Pereira, CM Russo
Journal of Applied Statistics 46 (9), 1602-1620, 2019
Influence diagnostics for the Weibull-Negative-Binomial regression model with cure rate under latent failure causes
B Yiqi, C Maria Russo, VG Cancho, F Louzada
Journal of Applied Statistics 43 (6), 1027-1060, 2016
Modelos não lineares elípticos para dados correlacionados
CM Russo
PhD thesis, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo …, 2010
Influence diagnostics in heteroscedastic and/or autoregressive nonlinear elliptical models for correlated data
CM Russo, GA Paula, FJA Cysneiros, R Aoki
Journal of Applied Statistics 39 (5), 1049-1067, 2012
Performance of evaluation metrics for classification in imbalanced data
A de la Cruz Huayanay, JL Bazán, CM Russo
Computational Statistics, 1-27, 2024
Análise de um modelo de regressão com erros nas variáveis multivariado com intercepto nulo
CM Russo
Universidade de São Paulo, 2006
The gradient test statistic for outlier detection in generalized estimating equations
F Osorio, Á Gárate, CM Russo
Statistics & Probability Letters 209, 110087, 2024
On outliers detection and prior distribution sensitivity in standard skew-probit regression models
FR Coelho, CM Russo, JL Bazán
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 36 (3), 441-462, 2022
Flexible multivariate nonlinear models for bioequivalence problems
SP Willemsen, CM Russo, E Lesaffre, D Leao
Statistical Modelling 17 (6), 449-467, 2017
Bayesian analysis for heavy-tailed nonlinear mixed effects models
CM Russo, DA Silva
Bayesian analysis 22, 2013
Hypotheses testing on a multivariate null intercept errors-in-variables model
CM Russo, R Aoki, D Leão-Pinto Jr
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 38 (7), 1447-1469, 2009
Fast inference for robust nonlinear mixed-effects models
JCB Gomes, R Aoki, VH Lachos, GA Paula, CM Russo
Journal of Applied Statistics 50 (7), 1568-1591, 2023
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