Ozgur Eris
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Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning
CL Dynn, AM Agogino, O Eris, DD Frey, LJ Leifer
Engineering Management Review, IEEE 34 (1), 65-92, 2006
Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning
C Dym, A Agogino, O Eris, D Frey, L Leifer
Journal of Engineering Education 94 (1), 103-120, 2005
Persistence, engagement, and migration in engineering programs
MW Ohland, SD Sheppard, G Lichtenstein, O Eris, D Chachra, RA Layton
Journal of Engineering Education 97 (3), 259-278, 2008
Exploring the Engineering Student Experience: Findings from the Academic Pathways of People Learning Engineering Survey (APPLES). TR-10-01.
S Sheppard, S Gilmartin, HL Chen, K Donaldson, G Lichtenstein, O Eris, ...
Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (NJ1), 2010
Outcomes of a Longitudinal Administration of the Persistence in Engineering Survey
O Eris, D Chachra, HL Chen, S Sheppard, L Ludlow, C Rosca, T Bailey, ...
Journal of Engineering Education 99 (4), 371-395, 2010
Effective Inquiry for Innovative Engineering Design
O Eris
Springer, 2004
A Comparative Analysis of Multimodal Communication During Design Sketching in Co-located and Distributed Environments
O Eris, N Martalero, P Badke-Schaub
Design Studies 35 (6), 559-592, 2014
Inflection moments in design discourse: How questions drive problem framing during idea generation
C Cardoso, P Badke-Schaub, O Eris
Design Studies 46, 59-78, 2016
Asking generative design questions: a fundamental cognitive mechanism in design thinking
Ö Eris
DS 31: Proceedings of ICED 03, the 14th International Conference on …, 2003
Facilitating Product Development Knowledge Acquisition: Interaction between the Expert and the Team
O Eris, L Leifer
International Journal of Engineering Education 19 (1), 142-152, 2003
Hands-Free Image Capture, Data Tagging and Transfer Using Google Glass: A Pilot Study for Improved Wound Care Management
G Aldaz, LA Shluzas, D Pickham, O Eris, J Sadler, S Joshi, L Leifer
PloS one 10 (4), 2015
A Theoretical Approach to Intuition in Design: Does design methodology need to account for unconscious processes?
P Badke-Schaub, O Eris
An Anthology of Theories and Models of Design, 353-370, 2014
A preliminary analysis of correlates of engineering persistence: Results from a longitudinal study
O Eris, D Chachra, H Chen, C Rosca, L Ludlow, S Sheppard, ...
Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2007
Engineering Design Education: Research, Practice and Examples that Link the Two
CJ Atman, O Eris, J McDonnell, ME Cardella, J Borgford-Parnell
Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, 201-225, 2014
Special session-academic pathways study: Special interactive session on findings and implications for engineering education and practice
C Atman, D Kilgore, O Eris, L Fleming, RL Miller, SD Sheppard, K Smith, ...
Frontiers In Education Conference-Global Engineering: Knowledge Without …, 2007
Perceiving, comprehending, and measuring design activity through the questions asked while designing
O Eris
Ph. D. Dissertation, Stanford University, 2002
Development of the Persistence in Engineering (PIE) survey instrument
O Eris, H Chen, T Bailey, K Engerman, H Loshbaugh, A Griffin, ...
Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2005
Question asking in design reviews: how does inquiry facilitate the learning interaction?
C Cardoso, Ö Eriş, P Badke-Schaub, M Aurisicchio
Design Thinking Research Symposium, 2014
Pair Programming: When and Why it Works.
J Chong, R Plummer, LJ Leifer, SR Klemmer, O Eris, G Toye
PPIG, 5, 2005
Building the design observatory: a core instrument for design research
K Carrizosa, Ö Eris, A Milne, A Mabogunje
DS 30: Proceedings of DESIGN 2002, the 7th International Design Conference …, 2002
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