Jorge Stolfi
Jorge Stolfi
Full Professor of Computer Science, State University of Campinas
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Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and the computation of Voronoi
L Guibas, J Stolfi
ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 4 (2), 74-123, 1985
The image foresting transform: Theory, algorithms, and applications
AX Falcao, J Stolfi, R de Alencar Lotufo
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (1), 19-29, 2004
Optimal point location in a monotone subdivision
H Edelsbrunner, LJ Guibas, J Stolfi
SIAM Journal on Computing 15 (2), 317-340, 1986
Affine arithmetic: concepts and applications
LH De Figueiredo, J Stolfi
Numerical algorithms 37, 147-158, 2004
Oriented projective geometry: a framework for geometric computations
J Stolfi
Academic Press, 2014
A kinetic framework for computational geometry
L Guibas, L Ramshaw, J Stolfi
24th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (sfcs 1983), 100-111, 1983
Epsilon geometry: building robust algorithms from imprecise computations
D Salesin, J Stolfi, L Guibas
Proceedings of the fifth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 208-217, 1989
A ne arithmetic and its applications to computer graphics
JLD Comba, J Stol
Proceedings of VI SIBGRAPI (Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and …, 1993
Self-validated numerical methods and applications
J Stol, LH De Figueiredo
Monograph for 21st Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro …, 1997
A multiscale method for the reassembly of two-dimensional fragmented objects
HC da Gama Leitao, J Stolfi
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 24 (9), 1239-1251, 2002
An introduction to affine arithmetic
J Stolfi, LH de Figueiredo
Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 (3), 297-312, 2003
Reporting and counting intersections between two sets of line segments
HG Mairson, J Stolfi
Theoretical foundations of computer graphics and CAD, 307-325, 1988
Phase transitions and self-organized criticality in networks of stochastic spiking neurons
L Brochini, A de Andrade Costa, M Abadi, AC Roque, J Stolfi, O Kinouchi
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35831, 2016
T-HOG: An effective gradient-based descriptor for single line text regions
R Minetto, N Thome, M Cord, NJ Leite, J Stolfi
Pattern recognition 46 (3), 1078-1090, 2013
An optimal algorithm for 3D triangle mesh slicing
R Minetto, N Volpato, J Stolfi, RMMH Gregori, MVG Da Silva
Computer-Aided Design 92, 1-10, 2017
Adaptive enumeration of implicit surfaces with affine arithmetic
LH de Figueiredo, J Stolfi
Computer Graphics Forum 15 (5), 287-296, 1996
Affine arithmetic
MVCA Andrade
INTERVAL'94, March, 5-10, 1994
On computing all north-east nearest neighbors in the L1 metric
LJ Guibas, J Stolfi
Information Processing Letters 17 (4), 219-223, 1983
Constructing strongly convex approximate hulls with inaccurate primitives
L Guibas, D Salesin, J Stolfi
Algorithmica 9, 534-560, 1993
Augment or push: a computational study of bipartite matching and unit-capacity flow algorithms
BV Cherkassky, AV Goldberg, P Martin, JC Setubal, J Stolfi
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 3, 8-es, 1998
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