Policy and Governance for Sustainable Consumption at the Crossroads of Theories and Concepts M Keller, B Halkier, TA Wilska Environmental Policy and Governance 26 (2), 75-88, 2016 | 148 | 2016 |
From Intervention to Social Change: A Guide to Reshaping Everyday Practices T Vihalemm, M Keller, M Kiisel Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2015 | 123 | 2015 |
Positioning consumption: A practice theoretical approach to contested consumption and media discourse M Keller, B Halkier Marketing Theory 14 (1), 35-51, 2014 | 89 | 2014 |
Coping with crises: Consumption and social resilience on markets S Koos, T Vihalemm, M Keller International Journal of Consumer Studies 41 (4), 363-370, 2017 | 85 | 2017 |
Connecting the multi-level-perspective and social practice approach for sustainable transitions M Keller, M Sahakian, LF Hirt Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 44, 14-28, 2022 | 64 | 2022 |
Consumers, citizens or citizen-consumers? Domestic users in the process of Estonian electricity market liberalization T Vihalemm, M Keller Energy Research & Social Science, 2015 | 63 | 2015 |
Introduction to the special issue: Renewing theories of practice and reappraising the cultural D Welch, B Halkier, M Keller Cultural Sociology 14 (4), 325-339, 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
Pre-schoolers, parents and supermarkets: co-shopping as a social practice M Keller, R Ruus International Journal of Consumer Studies 38 (1), 119-126, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
IMAGINED FUTURES OF EVERYDAY LIFE IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY D Welch, M Keller, G Mandich ACM Digital Library 24, 47, 2017 | 54 | 2017 |
Needs, desires and the experience of scarcity: Representations of recreational shopping in post-Soviet Estonia M Keller Journal of Consumer Culture 5 (1), 65-85, 2005 | 52 | 2005 |
Futures in practice: Regimes of engagement and teleoaffectivity D Welch, G Mandich, M Keller Cultural Sociology 14 (4), 438-457, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Research frontiers for multi-system dynamics and deep transitions L Kanger, J Schot, BK Sovacool, E van der Vleuten, B Ghosh, M Keller, ... Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 41, 52-56, 2021 | 38 | 2021 |
Emerging consumer types in a transition culture: consumption patterns of generational and ethnic groups in Estonia V Kalmus, M Keller, M Kiisel Estonia's Transition to the EU, 51-72, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |
Representations of Consumer Culture in Post-Soviet Estonia: Transformations and Tensions M Keller Representations of Consumer Culture in Post-Soviet Estonia: Transformations …, 2004 | 37 | 2004 |
Return to theConsuming West' Young People's Perceptions about the Consumerization of Estonia M Keller, T Vihalemm Young 11 (3), 195-215, 2003 | 36 | 2003 |
An agenda for future Social Sciences and Humanities research on energy efficiency: 100 priority research questions C Foulds, S Royston, T Berker, E Nakopoulou, ZP Bharucha, R Robison, ... Humanities and social sciences communications 9 (1), 1-18, 2022 | 34 | 2022 |
Looking Russian or Estonian: young consumers constructing the ethnic “self” and “other” T Vihalemm, M Keller Consumption Markets & Culture 14 (3), 293-309, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |
Routledge Handbook on Consumption M Keller, B Halkier, M Wilska, Terhi-Anna, Truninger Routledge, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
What makes me cool? Estonian tweens' interpretative repertoires M Keller, V Kalmus Young Consumers 10 (4), 329-341, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Between consumerism and protectionism: attitudes towards children, consumption and the media in Estonia M Keller, V Kalmus Childhood 16 (3), 355-375, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |