Professor do IMECC, UNICAMP
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A derivative-free nonmonotone line-search technique for unconstrained optimization
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, JM Martínez, M Raydán
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 219 (2), 383-397, 2008
Derivative-free methods for nonlinear programming with general lower-level constraints
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, JM Martínez, LG Pedroso
Computational & Applied Mathematics 30, 19-52, 2011
Augmented Lagrangian algorithms based on the spectral projected gradient method for solving nonlinear programming problems
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, MA Gomes-Ruggiero, JM Martínez, SA Santos
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 123 (3), 497-517, 2004
Comparing the numerical performance of two trust-region algorithms for large-scale bound-constrained minimization
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, MA Gomes-Ruggiero, SA Santos
Revista Latino Americana de Investigación Operativa 7, 23-54, 1997
Nonmonotone strategy for minimization of quadratics with simple constraints
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, Z Dostál, MA Gomes-Ruggiero, JM Martínez, ...
Applications of Mathematics 46, 321-338, 2001
Numerical analysis of leaving-face parameters in bound-constrained quadratic minimization
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, MA Gomes-Ruggiero, SA Santos
Optimization Methods and Software 15 (1), 45-66, 2001
On high-order model regularization for multiobjective optimization
L Calderón, MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, JM Martínez
Optimization Methods and Software 37 (1), 175-191, 2022
A computer model for particle-like simulation in broiler houses
BH Cervelin, D Conti, MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, JM Martínez
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 141, 1-14, 2017
A parallel projection method for overdetermined nonlinear systems of equations
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, J Mario Martínez
Numerical Algorithms 4, 241-262, 1993
Métodos sem derivadas para minimização irrestrita
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, VLR Lopes, LG Pedroso
Notas em Matemática Aplicada 49 (3), 87, 2010
On the controlling of temperature: A proposal for a real-time controller in broiler houses
DT Detsch, D Conti, MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, JM Martínez
Scientia Agricola 75, 445-451, 2018
A pattern search and implicit filtering algorithm for solving linearly constrained minimization problems with noisy objective functions
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, DG Ferreira, SA Santos
Optimization Methods and Software 34 (4), 827-852, 2019
Discrete Newton's method with local variations for solving large-scale nonlinear systems
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, MA Gomes-Ruggiero, VL Rocha Lopes, JM Martínez**
Optimization 52 (4-5), 417-440, 2003
Busca direta em minimização irrestrita
LG Pedroso, MA Diniz-Ehrhardt
Technical report, UNICAMP, Campinas-SP, 2005
Applying the pattern search implicit filtering algorithm for solving a noisy problem of parameter identification
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, DG Ferreira, SA Santos
Computational Optimization and Applications 76 (3), 835-866, 2020
Parallel projection methods and the resolution of ill-posed problems
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, JM Martínez, SA Santos
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 27 (1), 11-24, 1994
Successive Projection Methods for the Solution of Overdetermined Nonlinear Systems
MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, JM Martinez
Nonlinear Optimization and Applications, 75-84, 1996
Combining pattern search and implicit filtering for solving linearly constrained minimization problems with noisy objective functions
M Diniz-Ehrhardt, D Ferreira, S Santos
Quadrados minimos nao–lineares e aplicacoes em deformacao de objetos 2d
M Souza, MA Diniz-Ehrhardt
Fitting of parameters for a temperature control model by means of continuous derivative-free optimization: a case study in a broiler house
BH Cervelin, D Conti, DT Detsch, MA Diniz-Ehrhardt, JM Martinez
Bulletin of computational applied mathematics, 2017
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