Neoliberalism in the European Union C Hermann Studies in Political Economy 79 (1), 61-90, 2007 | 237 | 2007 |
Euro crisis, austerity policy and the European Social Model K Busch, C Hermann, K Hinrichs, T Schulten International Policy Analysis, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin, 2013 | 219 | 2013 |
Crisis, structural reform and the dismantling of the European Social Model (s) C Hermann Economic and Industrial Democracy 38 (1), 51-68, 2017 | 155 | 2017 |
Privatization of public services: Impacts for employment, working conditions, and service quality in Europe C Hermann, J Flecker Routledge, 2012 | 140 | 2012 |
Structural adjustment and neoliberal convergence in labour markets and welfare: The impact of the crisis and austerity measures on European economic and social models C Hermann Competition & Change 18 (2), 111-130, 2014 | 139 | 2014 |
The liberalization of public services: Company reactions and consequences for employment and working conditions J Flecker, C Hermann Economic and Industrial Democracy 32 (3), 523-544, 2011 | 81 | 2011 |
Capitalism and the political economy of work time C Hermann Routledge, 2014 | 78 | 2014 |
Liberalisation and privatisation of public services and strategic options for European trade unions T Schulten, T Brandt, C Hermann Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 14 (2), 295-311, 2008 | 78 | 2008 |
The European social model: Between competitive modernisation and neoliberal resistance C Hermann, I Hofbauer Capital & Class 31 (3), 125-139, 2007 | 65 | 2007 |
Convergence in the EU A Bongardt, F Torres, C Hefeker, P Wunsch, C Hermann Intereconomics 48 (2), 72-92, 2013 | 64 | 2013 |
The critique of commodification: Contours of a post-capitalist society C Hermann Oxford University Press, 2021 | 62 | 2021 |
Privatisation and marketisation of health care systems in Europe C André, C Hermann privatisation against the European social model: A critique of European …, 2009 | 51 | 2009 |
The marketisation of health care in Europe C Hermann Socialist Register 46, 2010 | 41 | 2010 |
Eurokrise, Austeritätspolitik und das europäische Sozialmodell K Busch, C Hermann, K Hinrichs, T Schulten Wie die Krisenpolitik in Südeuropa die soziale Dimension der EU bedroht …, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Privatisation against the European social model: A critique of European policies and proposals for alternatives M Frangakis, C Hermann, K Lóránt Springer, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
4. Betriebliche Interessenvertretung in Österreich. Wachsender Druck und zunehmende Lücken C Hermann, J Flecker Die Dynamik des" österreichischen Modells", 94-111, 2009 | 37 | 2009 |
The process of liberalisation, privatisation and marketisation C Hermann, K Verhoest Privatization of Public Services, 6-32, 2013 | 31 | 2013 |
The past and future of the European social model C Hermann, B Mahnkopf Working Paper, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
Die Dynamik des „österreichischen Modells “ C Hermann, R Atzmüller Brüche und Kontinuitäten im Beschäftigungs-und Sozialsystem. Berlin: edition …, 2009 | 30 | 2009 |
1. Das „Modell Österreich “im Wandel C Hermann, J Flecker Die Dynamik des" österreichischen Modells", 18-45, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |