Roman Kaspar
Roman Kaspar
Charlotte Fresenius University of Psychology, Cologne, Germany
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Natural occurrence of subjective aging experiences in community-dwelling older adults
M Miche, HW Wahl, M Diehl, F Oswald, R Kaspar, M Kolb
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2014
Psychometric properties of the German “Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale”(PAINAD-G) in nursing home residents
MS Schuler, S Becker, R Kaspar, T Nikolaus, A Kruse, HD Basler
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 8 (6), 388-395, 2007
Measuring awareness of age-related change: Development of a 10-item short form for use in large-scale surveys
R Kaspar, M Gabrian, A Brothers, HW Wahl, M Diehl
The Gerontologist 59 (3), e130-e140, 2019
Quality of life of the very old: Survey on quality of life and subjective well-being of the very old in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW80+)
M Wagner, C Rietz, R Kaspar, A Janhsen, L Geithner, M Neise, ...
Zeitschrift Fur Gerontologie Und Geriatrie 51 (2), 193, 2017
Technisierte Umwelten als Handlungs-und Erlebensräume älterer Menschen
H Mollenkopf, R Kaspar
Lebensformen und Lebensführung im Alter, 193-221, 2004
Daily mood and out-of-home mobility in older adults: does cognitive impairment matter?
R Kaspar, F Oswald, HW Wahl, E Voss, M Wettstein
Journal of Applied Gerontology 34 (1), 26-47, 2015
The role of driving in maintaining mobility in later life: a European view
H Mollenkopf, F Marcellini, I Ruoppila, Z Szeman, M Tacken, R Kaspar, ...
Gerontechnology 2 (1), 2002
Non-response in surveys of very old people
M Wagner, M Kuppler, C Rietz, R Kaspar
European Journal of ageing 16, 249-258, 2019
Interplay of cognitive and motivational resources for out-of-home behavior in a sample of cognitively heterogeneous older adults: findings of the SenTra project
HW Wahl, M Wettstein, N Shoval, F Oswald, R Kaspar, M Issacson, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2013
On the quantitative assessment of perceived housing in later life
F Oswald, R Kaspar
Journal of Housing for the Elderly 26 (1-3), 72-93, 2012
Multimorbidity's research challenges and priorities from a clinical perspective: The case of ‘Mr Curran’
C Muth, M Beyer, M Fortin, J Rochon, F Oswald, JM Valderas, S Harder, ...
The European Journal of General Practice 20 (2), 139-147, 2014
Hier will ich wohnen bleiben
F Oswald, R Kaspar, U Frenzel-Erkert, N Konopik
Ergebnisse eines Frankfurter Forschungsprojekts zur Bedeutung des Wohnens in …, 2013
International relevance of two measures of awareness of age-related change (AARC)
S Sabatini, OC Ukoumunne, C Ballard, A Brothers, R Kaspar, R Collins, ...
BMC geriatrics 20, 1-20, 2020
Evidence and deployment-based research into care for the elderly using emotional robots
T Kolling, J Haberstroh, R Kaspar, J Pantel, F Oswald, M Knopf
GeroPsych, 2013
Die Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Referenzgruppen für die Beurteilung der Lebensqualität demenzkranker Menschen
S Becker, R Kaspar, A Kruse
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 39 (5), 350-357, 2006
Elderly people’s use and acceptance of information and communication technologies
H Mollenkopf, R Kaspar
Young technologies in old hands, 2005
HIL DE.: Heidelberger Instrument zur Erfassung der Lebensqualität demenzkranker Menschen (HIL DE.)
S Becker, R Kaspar, A Kruse
Hogrefe, 2011
Technology and loneliness in old age
R Kaspar
Gerontechnology 3 (1), 42-48, 2004
The NRW80+ study: conceptual background and study groups
S Hansen, R Kaspar, M Wagner, C Woopen, S Zank
Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie 54 (Suppl 2), 76, 2021
Awareness of age-related change as a behavioral determinant of survival time in very old age
R Kaspar, HW Wahl, M Diehl
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 727560, 2021
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