Tim Garoni
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Bond and site percolation in three dimensions
J Wang, Z Zhou, W Zhang, TM Garoni, Y Deng
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (5 …, 2013
A comparative study of macroscopic fundamental diagrams of arterial road networks governed by adaptive traffic signal systems
L Zhang, TM Garoni, J de Gier
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 49, 1-23, 2013
Finite one-dimensional impenetrable Bose systems: Occupation numbers
PJ Forrester, NE Frankel, TM Garoni, NS Witte
Physical Review A 67 (4), 043607, 2003
H∞ robust perimeter flow control in urban networks with partial information feedback
R Mohajerpoor, M Saberi, HL Vu, TM Garoni, M Ramezani
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 137, 47-73, 2020
Traffic flow on realistic road networks with adaptive traffic lights
J De Gier, TM Garoni, O Rojas
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (04), P04008, 2011
Dynamic critical behavior of the worm algorithm for the Ising model
Y Deng, TM Garoni, AD Sokal
Physical review letters 99 (11), 110601, 2007
Ferromagnetic Phase Transition for the Spanning-Forest Model ( Limit of the Potts Model) in Three or More Dimensions
Y Deng, TM Garoni, AD Sokal
Physical review letters 98 (3), 030602, 2007
Painlevé transcendent evaluations of finite system density matrices for 1d impenetrable bosons
PJ Forrester, NE Frankel, TM Garoni, NS Witte
Communications in mathematical physics 238, 257-285, 2003
Asymptotic form of the density profile for Gaussian and Laguerre random matrix ensembles with orthogonal and symplectic symmetry
PJ Forrester, NE Frankel, TM Garoni
Journal of mathematical physics 47 (2), 2006
Asymptotic corrections to the eigenvalue density of the GUE and LUE
TM Garoni, PJ Forrester, NE Frankel
Journal of mathematical physics 46 (10), 2005
Cluster simulations of loop models on two-dimensional lattices
Y Deng, TM Garoni, W Guo, HWJ Blöte, AD Sokal
Physical review letters 98 (12), 120601, 2007
Random-length random walks and finite-size scaling in high dimensions
Z Zhou, J Grimm, S Fang, Y Deng, TM Garoni
Physical review letters 121 (18), 185701, 2018
High-precision Monte Carlo study of directed percolation in () dimensions
J Wang, Z Zhou, Q Liu, TM Garoni, Y Deng
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (4 …, 2013
Geometric structure of percolation clusters
X Xu, J Wang, Z Zhou, TM Garoni, Y Deng
Physical Review E 89 (1), 012120, 2014
Required traffic micro‐simulation runs for reliable multivariate performance estimates
LT Truong, M Sarvi, G Currie, TM Garoni
Journal of Advanced Transportation 50 (3), 296-314, 2016
Lévy flights: exact results and asymptotics beyond all orders
TM Garoni, NE Frankel
Journal of Mathematical Physics 43 (5), 2670-2689, 2002
How many simulation runs are required to achieve statistically confident results: a case study of simulation-based surrogate safety measures
LT Truong, M Sarvi, G Currie, TM Garoni
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2015
Worm Monte Carlo study of the honeycomb-lattice loop model
Q Liu, Y Deng, TM Garoni
Nuclear Physics B 846 (2), 283-315, 2011
Geometric explanation of anomalous finite-size scaling in high dimensions
J Grimm, EM Elçi, Z Zhou, TM Garoni, Y Deng
Physical Review Letters 118 (11), 115701, 2017
Some geometric critical exponents for percolation and the random-cluster model
Y Deng, W Zhang, TM Garoni, AD Sokal, A Sportiello
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (2 …, 2010
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