Faouzi Alaya Cheikh
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Citado por
Internal emotion classification using EEG signal with sparse discriminative ensemble
H Ullah, M Uzair, A Mahmood, M Ullah, SD Khan, FA Cheikh
IEEE Access 7, 40144-40153, 2019
Stacked lstm network for human activity recognition using smartphone data
M Ullah, H Ullah, SD Khan, FA Cheikh
2019 8th European workshop on visual information processing (EUVIP), 175-180, 2019
Teager energy and the ambiguity function
R Hamila, J Astola, FA Cheikh, M Gabbouj, M Renfors
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47 (1), 260-262, 1999
A weighted distance approach to relevance feedback
S Aksoy, RM Haralick, FA Cheikh, M Gabbouj
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
Vector median-vector directional hybrid filter for color image restoration
M Gabbouj, FA Cheikh
Proceedings of the 1996 European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 1996 …, 1996
Full reference image quality assessment based on saliency map analysis
Y Tong, H Konik, F Cheikh, A Tremeau
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 54 (3), 30503-1-30503-14, 2010
A spatiotemporal saliency model for video surveillance
T Yubing, FA Cheikh, FFE Guraya, H Konik, A Trémeau
Cognitive Computation 3, 241-263, 2011
A comprehensive survey on deep facial expression recognition: challenges, applications, and future guidelines
M Sajjad, FUM Ullah, M Ullah, G Christodoulou, FA Cheikh, M Hijji, ...
Alexandria Engineering Journal 68, 817-840, 2023
A directed sparse graphical model for multi-target tracking
M Ullah, F Alaya Cheikh
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Deep feature based end-to-end transportation network for multi-target tracking
M Ullah, FA Cheikh
2018 25th IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 3738-3742, 2018
Pednet: A spatio-temporal deep convolutional neural network for pedestrian segmentation
M Ullah, A Mohammed, F Alaya Cheikh
Journal of Imaging 4 (9), 107, 2018
On the vulnerability of extended multispectral face recognition systems towards presentation attacks
R Raghavendra, KB Raja, S Venkatesh, FA Cheikh, C Busch
2017 IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior …, 2017
Weakly-supervised network for detection of COVID-19 in chest CT scans
A Mohammed, C Wang, M Zhao, M Ullah, R Naseem, H Wang, ...
Ieee Access 8, 155987-156000, 2020
Attention-based LSTM network for action recognition in sports
M Ullah, MM Yamin, A Mohammed, SD Khan, H Ullah, FA Cheikh
Electronic Imaging 33, 1-6, 2021
Hog based real-time multi-target tracking in bayesian framework
M Ullah, FA Cheikh, AS Imran
2016 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2016
Impulse noise removal in highly corrupted color images
FA Cheikh, R Hamila, M Gabbouj, J Astola
Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 1, 997-1000, 1996
A hierarchical feature model for multi-target tracking
M Ullah, AK Mohammed, FA Cheikh, Z Wang
2017 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 2612-2616, 2017
Internet-of-things-based smart transportation systems for safer roads
M Derawi, Y Dalveren, FA Cheikh
2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 1-4, 2020
Efficient enhancement of stereo endoscopic images based on joint wavelet decomposition and binocular combination
B Sdiri, M Kaaniche, FA Cheikh, A Beghdadi, OJ Elle
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (1), 33-45, 2018
Disam: Density independent and scale aware model for crowd counting and localization
SD Khan, H Ullah, M Uzair, M Ullah, R Ullah, FA Cheikh
2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4474-4478, 2019
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