Peter Oyelere
Peter Oyelere
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Determinants of internet financial reporting by New Zealand companies
P Oyelere, F Laswad, R Fisher
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 14 (1), 26-63, 2003
Determinants of voluntary Internet financial reporting by local government authorities
F Laswad, R Fisher, P Oyelere
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 24 (2), 101-121, 2005
Corporate reporting on the Internet: Audit issues and content analysis of practices
R Fisher, P Oyelere, F Laswad
Managerial Auditing Journal 19 (3), 412-439, 2004
A study of students' perceptions of the usefulness of case studies for the development of finance and accounting-related skills and knowledge
S Weil, P Oyelere, J Yeoh, C Firer
Accounting Education 10 (2), 123-146, 2001
An empirical analysis of the likelihood of detecting fraud in New Zealand
S Owusu-Ansah, GD Moyes, P Babangida Oyelere, D Hay
Managerial Auditing Journal 17 (4), 192-204, 2002
Computer usage and the validity of self-assessed computer competence among first-year business students
JA Ballantine, PMC Larres, P Oyelere
Computers & Education 49 (4), 976-990, 2007
The efficacy of liquidation and bankruptcy prediction models for assessing going concern
N Kuruppu, F Laswad, P Oyelere
Managerial auditing journal 18 (6/7), 577-590, 2003
The usefulness of case studies in developing core competencies in a professional accounting programme: a New Zealand study
S Weil*, P Oyelere, E Rainsbury
Accounting Education 13 (2), 139-169, 2004
A survey of internet financial reporting in Oman
EKA Mohamed, P Oyelere, M Al-Busaidi
International Journal of Emerging Markets 4 (1), 56-71, 2009
International transfer pricing and income shifting: Evidence from the UK
PB Oyelere, CR Emmanuel
European Accounting Review 7 (4), 623-635, 1998
Voluntary internet financial reporting practices of listed companies in the United Arab Emirates
P Oyelere, N Kuruppu
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 13 (3), 298-315, 2012
The ethical perception of undergraduate students in computer-related situations: An analysis of the effects of culture, gender and prior education
D Hay, PMC Larres, P Oyelere, A Fisher
Teaching Business Ethics 5 (3), 331-356, 2001
The Ethical Perception of Undergraduate Students in Computer-related Situations: An analysis of the effects of culture, gender and prior education
PMC Larres, D Hay, P Oyelere, A Fisher
Are costs really sticky? Evidence from publicly listed companies in the UAE
F Zanella, P Oyelere, S Hossain
Applied Economics 47 (60), 6519-6528, 2015
A survey of transfer pricing practices in UK banks and building societies
PB Oyelere, JD Turner
European Business Review 12 (2), 93-99, 2000
Determinants of Internet Financial Reporting Practices: Evidence from the UAE
H Miniaoui, P Oyelere
Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 16 (04), 1350026, 2013
Assessing going concern: The practical value of corporate failure models and auditors' perceptions
N Kuruppu, F Laswad, P Oyelere
Pacific Accounting Review 24 (1), 33-50, 2012
Public sector financial disclosure on the Internet: a study of New Zealand local authorities
L Fawzi, F Richard, B Oyelere Peter
Lincoln University. Commerce Division., 2001
Internet financial reporting in Oman
P Oyelere, E Mohamed
Global Journal of Business Research 1 (2), 45-54, 2007
A critical analysis of self-assessed entry-level personal computer skills among newly-qualified Irish chartered accountants
PC Mc Larres, P Oyelere
Accounting Education 8 (3), 203-216, 1999
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