Marco A. A. Belo
Marco A. A. Belo
Brazil University (UB)
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Effect of dietary supplementation with vitamin E and stocking density on macrophage recruitment and giant cell formation in the teleost fish, Piaractus mesopotamicus
MAA Belo, SHC Schalch, FR Moraes, VE Soares, A Otoboni, JER Moraes
Journal of Comparative Pathology 133 (2-3), 146-154, 2005
Acute-phase proteins during inflammatory reaction by bacterial infection: Fish-model
I Charlie-Silva, A Klein, JMM Gomes, EJR Prado, AC Moraes, SF Eto, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-13, 2019
Response of splenic melanomacrophage centers of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) to inflammatory stimuli by BCG and foreign bodies
WG Manrique, G da Silva Claudiano, TR Petrillo, MP De Castro, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 (5), 1001-1006, 2014
Inflammation induced by inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila in Nile tilapia fed diets supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae
VR Reque, JRE de Moraes, MA de Andrade Belo, FR de Moraes
Aquaculture 300 (1-4), 37-42, 2010
Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae (Acanthocephala) infection in farmed Colossoma macropomum: a pathological approach
GT Jerônimo, SB de Pádua, MA de Andrade Belo, EC Chagas, ...
Aquaculture 469, 124-127, 2017
First report of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from Oreochromis niloticus in Piura, Peru: Molecular identification and histopathological lesions
YO Asencios, FB Sánchez, HB Mendizábal, KH Pusari, HO Alfonso, ...
Aquaculture reports 4, 74-79, 2016
Vitamin C and endogenous cortisol in foreign-body inflammatory response in pacus
MAA Belo, JRE Moraes, VE Soares, ML Martins, CD Brum, FR Moraes
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 47, 1015-1021, 2012
Acute aerocystitis in Nile tilapia bred in net cages and supplemented with chromium carbochelate and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
MP Castro, GS Claudiano, TR Petrillo, MT Shimada, MAA Belo, ...
Fish & shellfish immunology 36 (1), 284-290, 2014
Acute Toxicity by Water Containing Hexavalent or Trivalent Chromium in Native Brazilian Fish, Piaractus mesopotamicus: Anatomopathological Alterations and …
MP Castro, FR de Moraes, RY Fujimoto, C Da Cruz, MA de Andrade Belo, ...
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 92, 213-219, 2014
Toxicity of spike fragments SARS-CoV-2 S protein for zebrafish: A tool to study its hazardous for human health?
BHV Fernandes, NM Feitosa, AP Barbosa, CG Bomfim, AMB Garnique, ...
Science of The Total Environment 813, 152345, 2022
Acute aerocystitis in Piaractus mesopotamicus: participation of eicosanoids and pro-inflammatory cytokines
G da Silva Claudiano, TR Petrillo, WG Manrique, MP Castro, BA Loureiro, ...
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 34 (5), 1057-1062, 2013
Deleterious effects of low level of vitamin E and high stocking density on the hematology response of pacus, during chronic inflammatory reaction
MA de Andrade Belo, FR de Moraes, L Yoshida, EJ da Rosa Prado, ...
Aquaculture 422, 124-128, 2014
Expression of Cellular Components in Granulomatous Inflammatory Response in Piaractus mesopotamicus Model
WG Manrique, G da Silva Claudiano, MP de Castro, TR Petrillo, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0121625, 2015
Eficácia do diflubenzuron no controle de Dolops carvalhoi (Crustacea: Branchiura) em jovens pacus Piaractus mesopotamicus (Osteichthyes: Characidae) naturalmente infectados
SHC Schalch, MA de Andrade Belo, VE Soares, JRE de Moraes, ...
Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences 27 (2), 297-302, 2005
Kinetics of chronic inflammation in Nile tilapia fed n‑3 and n‑6 essential fatty acids
R Sakabe, FR Moraes, MAA Belo, F Pilarski, JRE Moraes
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 48, 313-319, 2013
Probiotic feeding improves the immunity of pacus, Piaractus mesopotamicus, during Aeromonas hydrophila infection
THV Farias, N Levy-Pereira, L de Oliveira Alves, D de Carla Dias, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 211, 137-144, 2016
Hepatoprotective treatment attenuates oxidative damages induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
MAA Belo, VE Soares, LM de Souza, MF da Rosa Sobreira, DMS Cassol, ...
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 64 (3), 155-165, 2012
Haematological response of curimbas Prochilodus lineatus, naturally infected with Neoechinorhynchus curemai
MAA Belo, DGF Souza, VP Faria, EJR Prado, FR Moraes, EM Onaka
Journal of fish biology 82 (4), 1403-1410, 2013
Controle de larvas de Boophilus microplus por Metarhizium anisopliae em pastagens infestadas artificialmente
LM De Souza-Basso, CA Monteiro, MA de Andrade-Belo, ...
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 40 (6), 595-600, 2005
Zebrafish as a model to study inflammation: A tool for drug discovery
MAA Belo, MF Oliveira, SL Oliveira, MF Aracati, LF Rodrigues, CC Costa, ...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 144, 112310, 2021
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