Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Gregor TrimmelSaiba mais
17 artigos não disponíveis publicamente
pH and ionic strength responsive polyelectrolyte block copolymer micelles prepared by ring opening metathesis polymerization
K Stubenrauch, I Voets, G Fritz‐Popovski, G Trimmel
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 47 (4), 1178-1191, 2009
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
A benzobis (thiazole)-based copolymer for highly efficient non-fullerene polymer solar cells
S Wen, Y Li, T Rath, Y Li, Y Wu, X Bao, L Han, H Ehmann, G Trimmel, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (3), 919-926, 2019
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
UV-induced modulation of the conductivity of polyaniline: towards a photo-patternable charge injection layer for structured organic light emitting diodes
T Griesser, SV Radl, T Koepplmayr, A Wolfberger, M Edler, A Pavitschitz, ...
Journal of materials chemistry 22 (7), 2922-2928, 2012
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
UV-Induced Modulation of the Refractive Index and the Surface Properties of Photoreactive Polymers Bearing N-Phenylamide Groups
T Griesser, JC Kuhlmann, M Wieser, W Kern, G Trimmel
Macromolecules 42 (3), 725-731, 2009
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Photo‐Fries Rearrangement in Polymeric Media: An Investigation on Fully Aromatic Esters Containing the Naphthyl Chromophore
T Höfler, T Grießer, M Gruber, G Jakopic, G Trimmel, W Kern
Macromolecular chemistry and physics 209 (5), 488-498, 2008
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
High miscibility‐induced reduction of trap density in all‐polymer solar cells using hybrid cyclohexyl‐hexyl side chains
F Sun, X Wang, M Wan, Z Liu, Y Luo, J Ren, X Zheng, T Rath, C Xiao, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (40), 2306791, 2023
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Poly (norbornene) s as matrix materials for platinum tetrakis (pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin based optical oxygen sensors
K Stubenrauch, M Sandholzer, F Niedermair, K Waich, T Mayr, I Klimant, ...
European polymer journal 44 (8), 2558-2566, 2008
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Micrometer and nanometer scale patterning using the photo-fries rearrangement: toward selective execution of molecular transformations with nanoscale spatial resolution
T Griesser, J Adams, J Wappel, W Kern, GJ Leggett, G Trimmel
Langmuir 24 (21), 12420-12425, 2008
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Dye-functionalized polymers via ring opening metathesis polymerization: principal routes and applications
M Hollauf, G Trimmel, AC Knall
Monatshefte für Chemie-Chemical Monthly 146, 1063-1080, 2015
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Comprehensive investigation of silver nanoparticle/aluminum electrodes for copper indium sulfide/polymer hybrid solar cells
M Arar, A Pein, W Haas, F Hofer, K Norrman, FC Krebs, T Rath, G Trimmel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (36), 19191-19196, 2012
Autorizações: Danish National Research Foundation
Modification of para-sexiphenyl layer growth by UV induced polarity changes of polymeric substrates
G Hernandez-Sosa, C Simbrunner, T Höfler, A Moser, O Werzer, B Kunert, ...
Organic electronics 10 (2), 326-332, 2009
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
UV‐induced refractive index modulation of photoreactive polymers bearing N‐acylcarbazole groups
T Griesser, A Wolfberger, M Edler, M Belzik, G Jakopic, G Trimmel, ...
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 48 (16), 3507-3514, 2010
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
The effect of alkylthio substituents on the photovoltaic properties of conjugated polymers
Y Li, Y Zhong, H Jiang, T Rath, Q Wang, HMA Ehmann, G Trimmel, S Wen, ...
Organic Electronics 68, 50-55, 2019
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Patterned immobilization of a luminescent Ru (II) complex in polymer films using the photoreaction of benzyl thiocyanate: Toward color emission tuning of electroluminescent devices
T Koepplmayr, M Cardinale, T Rath, G Trimmel, S Rentenberger, E Zojer, ...
Macromolecular chemistry and physics 213 (4), 367-373, 2012
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Characterization of 11-MUA SAM formation on gold surfaces
J Stettner, P Frank, T Griesser, G Trimmel, R Schennach, R Resel, ...
Interface Controlled Organic Thin Films, 101-105, 2009
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Photoreactive self assembled monolayers for tuning the surface polarity
T Griesser, A Track, G Koller, M Ramsey, W Kern, G Trimmel
Interface Controlled Organic Thin Films, 113-117, 2009
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Para-sexiphenyl layers grown on light sensitive polymer substrates
G Hernandez-Sosa, C Simbrunner, T Höfler, A Moser, O Werzer, B Kunert, ...
Interface Controlled Organic Thin Films, 23-27, 2009
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
50 artigos disponíveis publicamente
The effect of polymer molecular weight on the performance of PTB7-Th: O-IDTBR non-fullerene organic solar cells
SF Hoefler, T Rath, N Pastukhova, E Pavlica, D Scheunemann, S Wilken, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (20), 9506-9516, 2018
Autorizações: Slovenian Research Agency
Chemical Control of Local Doping in Organic Thin‐Film Transistors: From Depletion to Enhancement
P Pacher, A Lex, V Proschek, H Etschmaier, E Tchernychova, M Sezen, ...
Advanced Materials 20 (16), 3143-3148, 2008
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
Recent progress in the design of fused-ring non-fullerene acceptors─ relations between molecular structure and optical, electronic, and photovoltaic properties
B Schweda, M Reinfelds, P Hofstadler, G Trimmel, T Rath
ACS applied energy materials 4 (11), 11899-11981, 2021
Autorizações: Austrian Science Fund
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