Elena Fantino
Elena Fantino
Associate Professor - Khalifa University of Science and Technology (KUST)
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Methods of harmonic synthesis for global geopotential models and their first-, second-and third-order gradients
E Fantino, S Casotto
Journal of Geodesy 83, 595-619, 2009
REGULUS: A propulsion platform to boost small satellite missions
M Manente, F Trezzolani, M Magarotto, E Fantino, A Selmo, N Bellomo, ...
Acta Astronautica 157, 241-249, 2019
A new reduction of the raw Hipparcos data
F van Leeuwen, E Fantino
Astronomy & Astrophysics 439 (2), 791-803, 2005
Gravitational gradients by tensor analysis with application to spherical coordinates
S Casotto, E Fantino
Journal of Geodesy 83, 621-634, 2009
Spacecraft trajectories to the L3 point of the Sun–Earth three-body problem
M Tantardini, E Fantino, Y Ren, P Pergola, G Gómez, JJ Masdemont
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 108, 215-232, 2010
Evaluation of methods for spherical harmonic synthesis of the gravitational potential and its gradients
S Casotto, E Fantino
Advances in Space Research 40 (1), 69-75, 2007
Review of Lambert's problem
DT Sangrà, E Fantino
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.05283, 2021
Efficient design of direct low-energy transfers in multi-moon systems
E Fantino, R Castelli
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 127 (4), 429-450, 2017
On the solution of Lambert's problem by regularization
D De La Torre, R Flores, E Fantino
Acta Astronautica 153, 26-38, 2018
A note on libration point orbits, temporary capture and low-energy transfers
E Fantino, G Gómez, JJ Masdemont, Y Ren
Acta Astronautica 67 (9-10), 1038-1052, 2010
Two mechanisms of natural transport in the Solar System
Y Ren, JJ Masdemont, G Gómez, E Fantino
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (2), 844-853, 2012
Transfer design between neighborhoods of planetary moons in the circular restricted three-body problem: the moon-to-moon analytical transfer method
D Canales, K Howell, E Fantino
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 133, 2021
Dynamic modelling of the Hipparcos attitude
F Van Leeuwen, E Fantino
Space science reviews 108, 537-576, 2003
A method for accurate and efficient propagation of satellite orbits: A case study for a Molniya orbit
R Flores, BM Burhani, E Fantino
Alexandria Engineering Journal 60 (2), 2661-2676, 2021
Optimal low-thrust transfers between libration point orbits
Y Ren, P Pergola, E Fantino, B Thiere
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 112, 1-21, 2012
Design and performance of low-energy orbits for the exploration of Enceladus
E Fantino, F Salazar, EM Alessi
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 90, 105393, 2020
Science orbits in the Saturn–Enceladus circular restricted three-body problem with oblate primaries
F Salazar, A Alkhaja, E Fantino, EM Alessi
Acta Astronautica 180, 398-416, 2021
A versatile moon-to-moon transfer design method for applications involving libration point orbits
D Canales, KC Howell, E Fantino
Acta Astronautica 198, 388-402, 2022
Modelling the torques affecting the Hipparcos satellite
E Fantino, F Van Leeuwen
Space science reviews 108, 499-535, 2003
Moon-to-moon transfer methodology for multi-moon systems in the coupled spatial circular restricted three-body problem
D Canales, KC Howell, E Fantino
AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 8, 2020
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